Cars We Love & Who We Are

More than the polished parts and hard to find pieces, the special interest vehicles people collect embody the character of each owner. “Cars We Love & Who We Are” profiles individual special interest vehicles and the proud owner committed to its preservation.

Cars We Love & Who We Are #58

February 1940 saw the signing of the Moscow Peace Treaty that ended the Winter War between the Soviets and Finland. However, unlike the war, Finland’s punishing unrelenting bitter winter continued unabated. An uneasy peace hung in the frigid Baltic air. Fueling a blanketing dread, a great gathering storm malevolently churned on the horizon. The near future seemed explosively ripe and ready to unleash what seemed an inevitable whirlwind of death and destruction. All knew peace stood no chance. None more so than two freedom fighters revered in Finland but foreign to that frozen land. Brothers in arms, both keenly sensed the rapidly shrinking window available for their escape from an ever tightening Nazi/Soviet vice.

Neither yet 21-years old, Estonian Mihkel Oja and American Ed Sikes, possessed many friends but no roots in the gallant Finnish land for which they had fought. Like the jagged bitter cold that pierced their flesh, the prospects of the coming apocalypse shredded their sense of well being. Neither possessed a sliver of doubt as to their future. Their only hope would reside in fleeing the forests of Finland, NOW!

In Search of the Lost 7th Royale Part 2 (Episode 10 – Harrowing Escape into an Unknown Future)


With the changing political climate and boiling clouds of war, every minute Mihkel and Ed remained in Finland hardened their shared ominous sense of imminent doom. Neither could dispel haunting thoughts of a tightening noose about to choke off any means of escape. Tomorrow they would be gone. As they stood together overlooking a map of the Scandinavian countries, Mihkel’s finger pointed to a town in the north of neutral Sweden. “Kiruna,” said Mihkel. He had pinned their hopes on reaching a Swedish mining town in the Arctic Circle.

Mihkel believed escaping to Sweden offered the best opportunity to avoid capture by the Soviets and most likely death. And in all honesty Sweden presented the only apparent opportunity offering any chance of success. In its favor, Sweden had declared itself neutral in the blossoming global conflict. As well, by being a willing trading partner with Germany, Sweden lessened its attractiveness to the Nazi’s as a subject of occupation. Mihkel also took heart in Sweden’s treatment of Allied air crews forced to land crippled aircraft in Sweden. Crewmen while not permitted to leave Sweden had free reign to explore the country and interact with the Swedish people. To the delight of downed airmen that included Swedish women. Other positive things factored in to brighten Mihkel’s outlook as well. During Finland’s Winter War with the Soviets, Sweden contributed thousands of army and air force volunteers to support the Finnish war effort. Unknown to Mihkel his “Arctic Fox” reputation returned home with the Swedish volunteers as did that of Ed “Wonderfalk” Sikes, the “Peregrine Falcon” known by Soviet pilots as “death from above.


Back in Estonia young Soviet Lieutenant Yuri Petrov had many free moments. For him, too many. Eastern Estonia bored him horribly. It consisted of little more than a few farmers, loggers and dense forest, dense, dense forest. Yes, he had discovered a strange abandoned warehouse with some Bugatti parts but it amounted to nothing. Desperate for excitement, he had  fantasized that it had held a “Super Auto.” He found race cars fascinating, especially the German grand prix cars. Of course, while Petrov loved fast cars, he could only dream of owning one.

So fast and powerful and dominating, the sleek yet brutish supercharged 500-horsepower V16 Silver Arrows of the Nazi backed German Grand Prix teams had ignited a passion for “Super Autos” in the heart of young Petrov. Starving for excitement in the Estonian woods he did his best to stay current with the German Siler Arrows. “These magnificent mechanical beasts,” as Petrov viewed them, crushed all competitors foolish enough to mount a challenge. Even while he served the needs of the Soviet people in the “God awful” forests of Estonia in 1939, he reveled in Auto Union’s great victory in the 1939 Belgrade Grand prix. That same day, September 3rd 1939, Germany invaded Poland and the United Kingdom and France declared war on Germany. In confident reflection, Petrov assured himself that the Soviets could build comparable Super Autos…but, of course, “Iron” Joe Stalin had to first focus on serving the needs of the Soviet people. Often before going to sleep at night young Petrov would allow himself to dream of a time when the people’s work back home would be done and he could own a great car maybe even a Silver Arrow.


Mihkel’s team of sled dogs, in possessing no sense of political realities or apparently any fear, energetically pranced in place eager to face whatever adventure lay ahead. Intelligent and keenly aware, the dog team took its cues from Mihkel. On this dark bitter winter morning he had prepared the sled exhibiting extra care. The dogs sensed importance. Mihkel knew the challenge of the additional passenger would test the dogs. The dogs themselves seemed nonplussed by the added burden. As a group, the dogs displayed an eager intent to devour whatever challenge awaited them like a good reindeer stew. Vapor boiled off and swirled about the excited sled dogs.

Mihkel, barely able to sleep the night before, had spent tortured hours exhaustively modeling every detail that, if mishandled, could diminish their chances of survival much less success. At best, he knew that at least a week traversing a frozen snow-blanketed hell stood between Ed, him and any hope of surviving as free men.

Mihkel allowed himself a moment of reflection, the skilled woodsman and warrior understood what awaited. Before him loomed a frozen and desolate expansive wilderness of barely penetrable evergreen forest mixed with barren glacial scrubbed fells (highlands). There, temperatures above zero would qualify as a heat wave. Traveling in near darkness through the Arctic Circle they would face temperatures capable of plunging to a potentially deadly -45°F. On a good day his team could cover 85 miles. A bad day with bad terrain might be a reach to hope for 20 miles. Of course, all bets would be off if, as could happen at any moment, they encountered heavily armed scout teams from the massive Soviet army that he and his overmatched Finnish army comrades had just fought to a standstill.


Typical of Estonian winter, a howling wind piled drifting snow against the large sturdy barn across the barnyard from Jaak Oja’s equally sturdy home. Alive with the sounds of creaking beams withstanding the winter fury and comfortably ensconced well fed farm animals, the barn’s very existence represented a monument to Jaak’s determination and animal husbandry skills. Incongruously a spectacular custom one-of-a-kind Bugatti Royale hid in dark silent seclusion behind the barn’s skillfully crafted false rear wall. It represented a breathtaking anomaly: valuable beyond estimation, yet, unknown to an otherwise covetous world that would claim it. This historic and priceless king of Olympian vehicles, instead, served as a silent tribute to Jaak Oja’s stubborn determination to defy Estonia’s oppressive political order. In an otherwise somber and repressive political landscape the sequestered Royale represented Jaak’s one man defiance of a political culture for which he could only express his total disdain in silence. Even in this bitter cold grey world the Bugatti’s  existence warmed his heart. Jaak called it his inside joke. Jaak’s “subversive” joy made his wife Ann smile.


With the first pale rays of light bleeding into the bitter March morning sky Mihkel with stern resolve set his beloved team to task. Like hunting dogs on point each team member focused on the job at hand. No barking, no wasted energy, the Fox and Hounds with passenger Ed Wonderfalk made their move. With Kiruna as a destination and stealth worthy of a stalking cat, the team moved out betrayed only by a faint whisper of compressing snow easily mistaken for a light breeze in the surrounding pines.

Early on Mihkel chose to avoid the logging trails. Though these trails would afford the dog team the best opportunity to make good time, logging roads served as a magnet attracting Soviet troops. Being ill equipped and poorly trained for fighting in the dense frozen forest, Soviet scouting parties found the cleared trails very much to their liking. As the nearby town of Salla had seen fierce fighting, and with the Soviets now claiming Finish land, Mihkel welcomed the forest as an ally. He skillfully wove his energetic dog team through the pine scented landscape. Suddenly Mihkel’s caution paid dividends. A Soviet scouting party came into view. Slumping soldiers in dark wool coats heading east moved from left to right across Mihkel’s field of vision. With Ed and Mihkel nearly invisible in their white winter warrior uniforms and the battle wizened sled dogs silent and alert, the enemy soldiers moved unknowingly off into the distance.

In heading west away from Salla and deeper into Lapland the threat of enemy troops lessened as the danger posed by nature itself grew ever greater. Ed felt awe struck by the simultaneous beauty and terror that increasingly consumed his every thought. Alone the two men and twelve dogs had chosen to challenge an arctic landscape of frozen lakes, towering peaks, glacial scrubbed highlands and frozen forests readily capable of eloquently communicating how beauty and pain could share the same canvas.

By the second day Ed felt compelled to express his admiration for how well and wisely Mihkel had packed and how much Mihkel loved the dogs. Stopping to eat meant the dogs ate first. Stopping for the night meant unhooking the dogs first, feeding the dogs first and every dog got a blanket before attention turned to the humans. The first night, feeling safe from Soviet troops, a camp fire warmed everyone’s food and the men. When it came to sleeping, each dog burrowed a hole in the snow and each got covered with a blanket. While experienced thick furred sled dogs can sleep comfortably without a blanket in frozen climes, Mihkel by bringing each dog a blanket seemed to make them all rest better.

Sami people

Good fortune travelled with the team. Uncharacteristically only one day brought harsh weather and fortunately Mihkel had found a hunter’s cabin to ride out the storm. The days rest did everyone, man and beast alike well. By the sixth day out, though, food supplies needed to be replenished. Again good fortune brought the team into contact with a gathering of the indigenous people of Lapland, the Sami Nomads. A friendly and hospitable people, the Sami, known primarily as reindeer herders welcomed Mihkel, Ed and the dogs. Valiant defenders of their Lapland home during the “Winter War” some of the Sami men had heard of Mihkel the “Arctic Fox.” Fortified by a rest day of warmth, good food and navigational guidance the restocked team set out with Kiruna in their sites.

Mihkel had just hooked up the last of the dog team. Then he heard it. With a start, his eyes shot skyward. He saw nothing, but he recognized the sputtering cough right away. Then low in the sky he saw it. A British twin engine Bristol Blenheim bomber, all shot to hell. It disappeared over the rugged white horizon.

Kiruna would have to wait.

By |2025-02-06T21:12:28+00:00February 6th, 2025|0 Comments

Cars We Love & Who We Are #57

Winter of 1939 found Estonian native son and freedom fighter, teenager Mihkel Oja seeking refuge from a tempest that would soon engulf all of the world he knew and much of the world in total. Clinging to a sled behind his team of powerful Malamutes and Siberian Huskies, his hunched and bundled frame cleaved the bitter Baltic night. Fleeing across the uncharted recently frozen surface of the Gulf of Finland offered his only hope. He would surely be killed if he stayed in Estonia. Better to make this desperate attempt to cross 50 miles of dark uncertainty and danger to reach Finland and sanctuary. To do otherwise would expose him and, worse, his family to the brutish retribution common to life lived at the cruel crossroads where Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia battled for dominance over a tiny nation alive with individual dreams of freedom.

Certainly at this moment Mihkel harbored no thoughts of a priceless Bugatti unknown to the world and hidden on his father’s rural Estonian farm, but decades later he would.

In Search of the Lost 7th Royale  (Part 2 – Episode 9 – Priceless Bugatti Lost in the Fog of War)


Distant flashes of artillery fire lit the far horizon. What became known as the “Winter War of 1939 to 1940 had escalated to widespread pitched conflicts producing battlefield bloodbaths across frozen forested terrain. At stake, Russia’s attempt to take control of large swaths of Finland. It pitted a massed and massive Russian armed force of about a million men against a far smaller and largely ill-equipped Finnish military and civilian force intent on defending their homeland.

Winter War

Warmed by the anxiety born of the distant sounds of war that carried across the great dark expanse of ice, Mihkel tried to concentrate his thoughts solely on reaching Finland. He envied the singular focus of his disciplined dog team. Thoughts crept into his consciousness bringing to mind questions of fight or flight. He allowed himself a half smile, half grimace in recognizing the irony of his apparent fleeing into harm’s way. He quickly snapped to, recognizing that worrying about the myriad things that could go wrong served no purpose. Life would provide answers soon enough. With a hushed “Tchk, Tchk” he spurred on the canine co-conspirators enabling his escape to freedom, he hoped.

A soft moonlight diffused by a gentle mist obscured the sled’s presence without obliterating the celestial beacons by which the young but skilled outdoorsman navigated his escape. Deep into the hollow hours of his silent journey, a thickening fog instilled in Mihkel both hope and trepidation. A significantly reduced visibility forced him to rely on his compass, watch, and estimated speed to orient his whereabouts. He could be close to land but how would he know. In a short time an answer came, abruptly. With startling immediacy his sled bucked high then tipped violently to the right sending both Mihkel and the sled spinning on their sides across the ice. A rock protruding through the ice had caught a sled runner. Without his life on the line, the scene would have been comical. He looked up to see his dogs, apparently unfazed, displaying “well let’s get going” expressions as they stood poised and ready to continue. Checking for damage Mihkel felt relief that the spill harmed neither the sled nor its passenger. With the sled righted and proceeding slowly, Mihkel found himself at the shoreline of a rocky beach. He had reached Finland.

He exhaled in deep relief. Then he heard it, the metallic draw and lock of a bolt action rifle. His body froze. His mind raced. Russian or Finn? His life or the loss thereof would be determined by the answer. Mihkel rolled the dice and spoke up in both Estonian and Finnish declaring his flight from the Russians. A gruff voice responded in Finnish. Mihkel, in translating as best he could understood something like “He’s some crazy, lucky Estonian son-of–a-bitch if he’s telling the truth.” Two more men came out of the woods. One cracked no smile. Clearly in charge, he displayed no intention of believing Mihkel without proof.

In a circle with a campfire and Mihkel at its center, twenty or so unshaven men in white uniforms sat silently as the leader quizzed Mihkel. It helped immeasurably that the leader, Ahti Heikkinen, during time spent in Tallinn had become acquainted with members of the Estonian freedom movement and, now, recognized Mihkel’s name. With Mihkel having been invited to share his story, the tenor of the conversation relaxed considerably. As he tended to his dog team under the respectful eyes of his new Finnish friends, they shared much about the hated invading Russians and the terror and destruction being visited upon their homeland. Mihkel listened intently as his dogs gathered like children at his feet. The Finnish soldiers’ stories inflamed his Estonian freedom fighter’s soul. He would join their fight.


Earlier in 1939, British automotive journalist John Daley could not quite get his hands around a haunting story of a very special Bugatti alluded to in hushed exchanges he overheard while visiting the Bugatti factory in Molsheim.

Daley, a writer for the widely respected British publication, The Autocar had come to Europe in the summer of 1939 to cover an extraordinary event. British sports car maker MG had boldly come to Germany to set land speed records with a special aerodynamic, supercharged 200 mph MG. After the successful event and before returning home to Britain, Daley had taken a side trip to visit his friend Jean Bugatti at Bugatti’s Molsheim headquarters. Always possessing a good feel for a great story, and a working knowledge of French, Daley while sharing a cup of coffee on the Bugatti factory floor overheard workers referencing a special Royale. Employing a perfect poker face and trained ear he listened for more, to no avail. With his interest piqued, Daley brought it up to Jean Bugatti in conversation. Bugatti acknowledge that in 1939 a Royale had been fitted with a new body for a French politician. Bugatti then abruptly changed the subject and said no more. Having fabricated the Royale re-body story as a cover for the Antonescu special project, Bugatti had no desire to continue the discussion.

Jean Bugatti accident

When Daley, as a naturally curious journalist followed up with the French politician, the politician denied ever owning a Bugatti much less a Royale. For Daley, this whetted his appetite for more information. Sadly for him, this hunger would never be satiated. In one final effort Daley reached out to the Bugatti main office and spoke with Accounts Manager Yvonne Smirnov. She had no information to offer. She had been well compensated to ensure her silence even though she had never actually seen the car. However, Daley’s interest and persistence always struck her as curious. As, frankly, did the hush money. The intensity of Daley’s interest, though, would remain with her for the rest of her life. As to Daley, with Jean Bugatti’s tragic death occurring weeks later, he lost interest and never chose to pursue the matter again.


A bitter cold wind rattled Jaak Oja’s house. Startled by a knock at the door, Jack’s wife Ann opened it to see the white breath and red face of their closest neighbor Endel. Good neighbor that he was, he had stopped to share some of his catch from ice fishing. Ann sat him down and went about fixing a cup of tea and some still warm freshly baked bread and jam. The three sat around the table catching up. Endel seemed slightly disturbed by an encounter by the lake with a very self-important young Soviet officer, a lieutenant Petrov. The fact that Soviet Russian soldiers had established camp in the Estonian forest caused sufficient concern. Worse, this young officer started questioning him about some warehouse or garage with car parts discovered in the nearby woods. Endel thought the officer must be crazy. Totally bewildered, Endel confessed that he had no idea what a Bugatti was. Jaak’s heart sunk. Ann’s tea cup clattered to the table as she momentarily lost her grip. Recovering quickly she apologized for her clumsiness and wiped up the spill. The conversation carried on drifting from topic to topic, though Jaak and Ann could not dispel the chilling fear that, for both, gripped their very being. Feeling warm and reinvigorated Endel rose to leave and head home. With thanks offered and hugs shared Endel departed through the cold and windswept farm yard. The shutting front door sealed out the blustery wind. Jaak exhaled deeply and looked to the heavens. Turning to Ann he embraced his visibly shaken wife.


Molotov Cocktail

Mihkel had earned the warm acceptance of his Finnish comrades thanks to his passionate commitment to their cause. Mihkel and his dog team, armed with a Finnish creation called the “Molotov Cocktail,” quickly gained stature as a uniquely potent weapon that the badly outgunned and out-manned Finns could deploy against Soviet tanks.

The etymology of the homemade incendiary device called the “Molotov Cocktail”, traced back to the “Winter War” of 1939.  Vyacheslav Molotov, a particularly despised Soviet official of the time found his name attached to a very simple yet potent anti-Soviet tank weapon. A device that Mihkel employed with devastating and deadly skill.

A stealthy outdoorsman, Mihkel would work his way close to one of the lumbering Soviet T-26 and T-28 tanks pinned to the few passable roads by the dense surrounding Finnish forest. Once in close range he would set the tank ablaze by smashing the Molotov Cocktail’s flaming glass bottle against the tank’s vulnerable fuel tank or engine compartment. By the time his presence became know, he had fled the area behind his silent and powerful dog team. Honoring his speed, his silence and his savvy tactics, the Finns nickname him, “Naali,” which meant Arctic Fox.

Destruction of Soviet tank column

The character of Mihkel and his dog team dovetailed seamlessly with the undermanned Finnish strategy designed to leverage the Finns’ few advantages against the outsized Soviet troop strength. The strengths the Finns did have, they maximized. Their familiarity with the forested and rugged landscape as well as their skill as adept skiers provided huge benefits. Unlike the Russians, the Finns outfitted in white uniforms, could move largely unseen with deadly speed and silence while seemingly immune to the bitter winter conditions. Their mobility and cunning when applied with stunningly shrewd hit-and-run tactics equipped them to carve up larger and ineptly commanded Soviet troop formations with devastating results.

Found to be invaluable as well for transportation of needed supplies, reconnaissance and evacuation of wounded, Mihkel and his team’s performance elevated Finnish troop respect for dog teams. One especially dangerous rescue would have a profound impact on Mihkel’s life.

In the years just prior to WWII, a group of Americans had volunteered to fly with Britain’s RAF against the Nazi’s. A much smaller number chose to come to Finland to fight the Soviets. Upon arriving many volunteers found it most disconcerting that all Finnish aircraft wore a blue swastika. The Finns made this  unfortunate choice in 1918 well before it became the eternal emblem of Nazi evil. The Finns feeling that they had adopted the swastika first would continue its use into the early 21st century.

Gloster Gladiator

One American volunteer, Ed Sikes arrived in Finland as a self confident rawboned cocky kid and a gifted flyer since his early teens. Though still a teenager Ed lied about his age and with money from his wealthy and adventurous father came to fly for Finland. And fly he did, like a bat out of hell.

Admired by comrades and feared by foes. Ed had acquired the sobriquet “Wonderfalk’ courtesy of a German pilot who witnessed the American’s daring “dog fighting” tactics. In English the German word “Wanderfalk” translated into “Peregrine Falcon,” the world’s fastest bird known to dive on its prey at speeds up to 240 mph. Fearful Soviet pilots simply referred to Ed as “death from above.”

War hardened Finns, even other pilots shook their heads at Ed’s exploits in a Gloster Gladiator biplane. They marveled at the things he got away with. Until the day that all changed.

Flying above enemy troop encampments and gun placements in Soviet occupied Finland south of the Mannerheim battle line, enemy ground fire brought Ed down in an isolated expanse of densely forested land. Ed’s wingman reported seeing him climb out of the smoldering wreck and wave. Upon hearing the wingman’s account Mihkel harnessed his team. He would find the downed flier before the Soviets did. Blessed with a rising full moon Mihkel set out immediately. He knew the area well enough. Certainly better than the Russians.

Surely brazen. In a different situation, probably stupid. But for Ed in the sub freezing arctic cold, the fire delivered life sustaining warmth. Even better it provided a beacon that brought 12 eager dogs and an Estonian teenager to his rescue. The little English Mihkel had acquired in school together with Ed’s stumbling Finnish supplemented by their shared skill at gesturing provided all they needed to bond as a team on a mission.

The camp exploded in cheers as the dawn brought the return of Ed and Mihkel, very possibly two of Finland’s favorite foreign sons. Sitting near a roaring fire Ed expressed his warmest gratitude in this the coldest damn place. Upon hearing this Mihkel’s nickname of Naali, the Arctic Fox, Ed coined his rescuers the “Fox and Hounds.”

The coming weeks found that, with new and better Soviet leadership commanding fresh troops, the tide of war had begun to turn. The Finns signed a negotiated peace with the Soviets that cost them land but preserved their freedom. Both Mihkel and Ed sensed the time had arrived for them to go. Tomorrow they would plan their escape. The following morning the “Fox and Hounds” and “Wonderfalk” would retreat through a frozen hell in hopes of reaching neutral Sweden.

Having lovingly tended his team, Mihkel found his hopeful thoughts for better days ahead to be interrupted by aching memories of the father, mother, friends and country he loved and left behind in a time that seemed like forever in the past. He exhaled deeply. His dogs gathered by his feet.


By |2025-02-06T21:10:53+00:00January 23rd, 2025|2 Comments

Cars We Love & Who We Are #56

Jaguar earned its place in the pantheon of great marques with sports cars boasting an illustrious history of racing success. Jaguar’s high performance road cars featured sculpted often sensuous exteriors with interiors that cosseted occupants with fine leather seating and handsome exotic wood trim. In sum, Jaguar has a history of producing cars possessing charismatic character that punched way above their market share in defining driving pleasure. However, recent times have not been kind. The glorious and storied Jaguar brand has more than fallen on hard times. It has imploded.

A resurrection when in such desperate straits demands a strong vision and bold action. Clearly the bold new brand message set by Jaguar Managing Director Rawdon Glover calls for delivery by a RuPaul band of stoics strutting in a Crayola parade. Its stated intention calls to generate buzz and attract buyers for a new, soon to be revealed EV Jaguar. This new Jaguar sports a price tag double the MSRP of a present day Jaguar. Jaguar’s expressed objective calls for moving up market to successfully battle with Bentley and the like while, at the same time, casting aside anyone who previously had the desire and money to purchase a Jaguar. Initial response would indicate that the latter, casting aside, part of the re-branding has been a grand success. Glover, proud parent of a campaign anchored in ideology rather than marketing savvy, lashed out at detractors decrying their “Vile hatred and intolerance.”

As I do not feel any more vile or intolerant than the next guy, I would like to take a fair look at Glover’s Candy Land campaign.

Jaguar’s Trans-formation into the New Coke of Automobile Re-branding

Historically Jaguar does not stand alone in suffering withering criticism of an automobile branding effort. Nissan’s 1989 introduction of its new Infiniti brand experienced almost universal ridicule. At the top of the complaint list loomed the ultimate sacrilege in automobile advertising. Commercials never showed the car. Like an albatross hung around Infiniti’s neck critics mockingly tattooed the whole effort the “Rocks and Trees” campaign. Word had it that Izusu even considered but never produced an Infiniti parody ad with Joe Izusu perched on a big rock playing a flute while a soothing voice off-camera softly uttered Zen-like reflections on nature. Some say Infiniti has never recovered.

Cadillac that Zigs ad

1n 1997 Cadillac introduced the Catera an entry level sedan intended to compete with the BMW 3 series and Audi A4 using the line “The Caddy that Zigs.” For a brand whose name once stood proudly as the very definition of preeminent quality, the “Zigs” tag line and its accompanying cartoon character suffered harsh criticism. Critics savaged the campaign saying that in striving to be different it came across as giddy and misaligned from the historically cultivated expectation of a Cadillac as a luxury vehicle. A prospective customer’s comment expressed on a Cadillac forum sums up the Zigs campaign’s failure. He wrote, “Cadillac’s stupid Ziggy promotion was embarrassing. I know they wanted to attract a younger demographic, but a cartoon character? It made a joke of the car before it had a chance to establish itself in the market. Not even Cindy Crawford’s ad presence could make up for that. BMW advertised its cars as the “Ultimate Driving Machines”, but GM decided to sell the Catera as “The Caddy that Zigs”? Why would I buy a car that wasn’t respected by its own manufacturer? Why would anyone?” And indeed they did not. Today does anyone even remember the Catera?

The early 1990s saw Subaru car sales stumbling badly. In a plan to reverse the company’s fortunes by moving up market, Subaru hired trendy, award winning agency du jour Wieden + Kennedy. As described in Randall Rothenberg’s excellent book “Where the Suckers Moon” Subaru and the agency  created a match made in anywhere but advertising heaven. Born of this union, the resulting “What to Drive” and “Lack of Pretense” campaign can best be described as an advertising car crash. As Rothenburg in his book pointed out, “What hurt Wieden + Kennedy more than anything else was its collective lack of passion for automobiles. Wieden + Kennedy treated the subject of automobiles offhandedly.” Being tone deaf to the automobile industry the agency created head scratching ads that ridiculed car marketing and presented ads that the agency felt spoke unvarnished “truth.” A TV spot for the Subaru SVX sports car highlighted the car’s 140 mph top speed, but then asked if it mattered in a world with “extended urban gridlock, costly gas at $1.38 a gallon and highways full of patrolmen?” Another SVX spot boasted “You can drive it so fast, you’ll get so many tickets, you’ll lose your license. This one got Subaru unneeded and passionately negative safety activist attention. The final denouement came on Super Bowl Sunday 1993. Possibly the only one who took a bigger beating than the Buffalo Bills in their 52 to 17 loss was Subaru who the USA Today survey of viewer reactions placed its advertising dead last. Subaru fired the agency and instead of competing directly with high volume car makers, it pivoted to focus on marketing Subaru cars to niche groups where Subaru had historically proven to perform best. It has since experienced a strong climb to profitability.

So, as to Jaguar’s latest effort let’s start with a simple question. Does it qualify as genius?

One web maven advocated in favor of the TV spot by invoking the old adage, “It doesn’t matter what people are saying about you as long as they are talking.” Maybe in some context, but certainly not all. Instead I think back to wise counsel afforded me by a high school teacher. The advice? Spend time and effort when writing the introduction to a term paper. He believed that a well constructed introduction can establish an expectation as to what to expect in the subsequent body of work. He posited that a poorly written introduction would leave the reader seeking confirmation of poor quality throughout the rest of the paper. An engaging introduction would leave the reader searching for examples to confirm the high quality of the content. I believe the same holds true with product launches and none more so than a rebranding. I believe the total Jaguar rebranding effort instead of its intention to create a positive buzz has instead planted the seeds of doubt.

Simon Sinek motivational speaker and author of the bestselling book “Start with Why” has gained renown by advocating for a simple belief. He passionately advocates that whether forming a movement or re-branding an automobile the path to success must start with why. Sinek believes that success of a product such as those that Apple sells results from communicating Apple’s “Why” to a sufficiently large market segment that believe the same thing. The product itself then simply provides a manifestation of the shared beliefs. A successful brand represents a promise to be consistently faithful to its “Why.” Muddling the “Why” confuses and weakens a selling proposition. While on the subject of Apple, attention must be drawn to the re-branded Jaguar’s “Copy Nothing” Tag line. Maybe it should read “Copy Nothing, except maybe Apple.”

Apple’s 1984 Super Bowl ad introducing the new Mac Computer stands as one of the top 50 greatest TV commercials of all time. Clearly Jaguar deemed Apple’s “1984” athletic sledge hammer wielding female lead worthy of replication. This time, however, Jaguar chose to employ a sledge wielding androgyne as its champion. Furthermore, Jaguar headline copy such as “Live Vivid” and “Create Exuberant” present further evidence of the Jaguar ad not falling far from the Apple tree. It replicates Apple’s grammatically improper slogan that employed a wildly successful use of an adjective rather than the proper adverb form in its award winning 1997 “Think Different” campaign.

Jaguar 2024/ Apple 1997

Cars for a large segment of the buying public represent an extension of self. A fact especially true in the $100,000 plus segment where the New Jaguar has set its sights. Inn employing another old adage, “there exists but one chance to make a first impression.” Jaguar’s apparent “why” seems to target individuals with a gender dysphoria bias. If that correctly states Jaguar’s intention, so be it. However as a Unique Selling Proposition with the intention of launching a business into profitability it seems deeply flawed. I might even suggest it appears to promote a personal ideology rather than savvy marketing at the expense of brand aspirations.

I might suggest that Director Glover’s venomous response to criticism reflected a personal offense that exceeded even that generated by the most painful criticism of a professional’s creative marketing concept. It seemed to have the wounded passion of an ideologue rebuffed. One must question Director Glover’s “Why.” From the point of view of a Jaguar owner which I am, I can unequivocally say his campaign’s message did not speak to me in any way other than generating a pang of disappointment for a brand I revere.

Some might question what kind of belief system has gone into the creation of a re-branded Jaguar that has so missed the mark. Or conversely, in hitting its intended mark how it has totally misjudged the market. Re-branding campaigns do not formulate over night. In these fast moving times avant garde can quickly morph into passé garde. Such, I believe, represents the case here where the DEI theme and the whole “EVs only” product line has recently lost steam. Unfortunately for this campaign the woke boat has sailed and is taking on water. Interestingly the new Jaguar in seeking to navigate the road ahead may find its hope in roads traveled in the past.

Jaguar might find hope in the 30-year old success story of a small struggling brand seeking direction. That brand, Subaru, had hired a trendy Advertising agency to move it up market. The effort failed terribly. It then re-gathered itself choosing a new path that called for identifying niche groups willing to pay for 4-wheel drive and possessing values consistent with Subaru’s product line. Market research identified five groups that comprised a majority of Subaru’s North American sales. The first four consisted of teachers, healthcare professionals, IT professionals and rugged outdoors types. Interestingly and surprisingly the fifth consisted of lesbians. Research showed lesbians were 4-times more likely to buy a Subaru than the average customer. Subaru set about better understanding the Subaru features that attracted lesbians as a group. Subaru found they closely mirrored those of the other four groups. Subaru then set about crafting targeted ads with titles that played well to straight and gay 4-wheel fans alike. For example, “It’s Not a Choice. It is the Way We’re Built” and “Get Out. And Stay Out” successfully spoke to both fans of Subaru’s 100% rugged 4-wheel drive rough road friendly product lineup and gay identity.

In the end Jaguar’s success will hopefully be determined by the superior quality and desirability of its automobiles. However, being hamstrung by advertising that purposely excludes past customers seems to fly in the face of diversity and inclusion goals not to mention, good sense.

Long live Jaguar.

By |2024-12-04T20:31:09+00:00December 4th, 2024|4 Comments

Cars We Love & Who We Are #55

With the point of no return long gone, the all-out effort to successfully produce the nation’s first Collectible Car Fair for Kids and Teens proceeded at flank speed. Translating “flank” from nautical to automotive speak, the pedal had been firmly pinned to the metal. Thankfully with the help of a deft core of team leaders and a knowledgeable and committed team, the stars had aligned beautifully as the date approached. However, while the stars presented no concern, threatening clouds did. The approaching show date found me pointlessly glued to my weather app, as if my watchful eye could make a difference. I am sure my elevated spirits joined a cohort of September brides as the clouds disappeared from the Sunday forecast. Game on. And what a great game it would be.

A Secret Sauce & Successful Recipe for Mixing Kids and Classic Cars

Isetta microcar delivers maximum fun       (Photo: Tim Schwartz)

Gravel crackled under my 1961 Corvette’s whitewall tires as the, soon to be, show car crept down my driveway. A bright sun waited just below the horizon. Poised to heat the cool moist morning air with a brilliant light, it would quickly wipe dry the car’s veil of dew. Slowly accelerating, I held the 4-speed in first gear just to enjoy the engine’s

Youth judges in action

deep throated exhaust note as I rumbled down the narrow street. The show date had arrived at last. The awakening day felt rich with promise. The fading night’s cloudless sky had wiped the road free of any trace of the previous day’s rain. Free from road spray, my Corvette’s gleaming 60-year old Keystone mag wheels would remain unsoiled. On the road at 6:30am, I felt assured I would be the first to arrive.

Pulling up alongside the beautifully restored expansive white farmhouse that now housed the Hillsdale New Jersey Free Public Library, I paused for a moment to gaze over the large, but very soon not be, empty parking area. I left the rumbling Corvette to move the traffic cones that barred entrance to the lot. Now, having driven down to the lot, I backed into my assigned display location. Just then, the first of my talented team arrived. Chris Connolly, a recently retired lead detective for the New York City Auto Crimes Unit, strolled down the sloping driveway entrance. Moments later the day came to life as a trail of team members followed in his wake. The pace of the day quickly accelerated.

1886 Benz Patent-Motorwagen

The charge of excitement built as the show cars began to arrive. Confident that the Collectible Car Fair for Kids and Teens would be unlike any other car show, all the car owners and staff focused on delivering a hands-on experience to benefit a largely hands-off generation. The goal was to have fun and in so doing develop in our young attendees an appreciation for the innovation, beauty, culture and excitement of what many consider to be the greatest gift of the industrial age, the automobile.

Unlike the mostly passive stroll experienced at traditional car shows, the Hillsdale Library’s Collectible Car Fair, co-sponsored by the Hillsdale Library and the Drivin’ News website ( offered parents and children alike an interactive treat. Those under 18 were welcome to sit in and experience each of the gleaming iconic automobiles as well, benefit from speaking with each car’s owner. These owners, men and women who volunteered their time and vehicles possessed a broad knowledge of their cars and the period in history when each car was new.

Slowly but steadily the field filled with members of a curated list comprising iconic members of the 20th century’s the Golden Age of the automobile. A pristine 1974 DeTomaso Pantera, preceded an all original 1970 Plymouth Superbird. A flatbed bearing a 1928 Rolls-Royce Phantom 1 waited its turn while a muscular pick-up truck pulling a large trailer eased across the lot. With its power ramp lowered, the trailer delivered a spectacular Brass Era 1909 Pope Harford and a Mercedes-Benz-built replica of the 1886 Benz Patent-Motorwagen, recognized world-over as the first automobile. By 8:30 am the full complement of staff and cars had been assembled. By 9:00 am with all cars positioned and all team members comfortable in their roles, everyone descended on the beverage and bagel table. Things had come together perfectly. Interestingly perfection can sometimes produce discomfort.

Rory Sevajian’s 1931 Model A takes a first place from the youth judges

At 9:00 am the team, with everything completed to perfection and with their energy level peaking, hit a wall. Where they asked, was everybody? “Has a party been thrown to which no one will come?” Pumped and ready they stood as relaxed as a distance runner ready for the gun. Then the realization hit. They had been too good, if that is possible. The show would not start until 10:00 am. They would spend the next hour reminding each other of that fact. Most likely, nobody would be coming for an hour. Finally 10:00 am arrived and with it came waves of families with kids and unescorted teens. They arrived in droves. Child attendance ran into the healthy hundreds. Any fears of throwing a party and nobody showing up quickly vanished in a fog of questions and children asking permission to sit in the car.

Checking out a 1909 Pope Hartford

With any creative effort be it a book, song, movie, website or experience you can rarely predict what piece will capture the audience’s fancy. In the case of the Collectible Car Fair, the secret sauce that brought everything to life came in the form of a game called the “Fun Hunt for Car Facts,” a twenty question quiz.” The Fun Hunt posed questions relating to the cars on display. Children who got all the questions correct on a supplied answer sheet would have his or her photo taken sitting in their favorite car by the event photographer. Then, at a later date, the library would present the child with a large poster of that photograph.

In retrospect the Fun Hunt created a spacious open field of beautiful cars surrounded by kids clutching pens and quizzes in hand while flitting from one car and owner to the next like bees in a garden. Children interviewed owners and together with parents bonded into a research team working in search of answers. More than 50 children earned a poster that would capture a moment that could become a lifetime memory. But wait! More opportunities existed to engage young attendees. They could sign up to be a judge.

Backseat driver enjoying the 1965 GTO

The inspiration for the Collectible Car Fair came out of concerns expressed by members of my on-going Collectible Automobiles As A Passion class I began over a decade ago at the Ridgewood, New Jersey Community School. Members of the class expressed a concern about the future of the classic car culture. fueled by their concerns I suggested the Fair. The men and women immediately embraced the idea. Building on the concept the thought of children judging the cars attracted great support.

Bob Austin, a retired automobile industry executive and experienced concours judge who co-teaches the Collectible automobiles class volunteered to hold a class. Children could preregister with the library before the show. On the day of the show they could attend the class and learn the basics of judging. Children who attended the class each received a Certificate of Recognition before an applauding show audience. After the show Austin said, “They learned well, as demonstrated by the competency and focus they showed in selecting the best cars from an impressive field of historic automobiles.

One of 3 youth judging groups with their Certificates of Recognition. (L) Bob Austin (R) Burton Hall

In reflecting on the success of the event, Dave Franz, Director of the hosting Hillsdale Library says, “”I’ve always thought of libraries as ‘share’ spaces, where people pass on their knowledge and skills to others, whether it be books, exhibits, or lectures and workshops. To see the joyful owners of these historic automobiles sharing their passion with the youth of our community is to see the essence of learning in action at a public library. It was a great day.”

As to the vibe created by the event, Valerie Festa a class member involved in managing the Fun Hunt for Car Facts says, “The heartfelt gratitude expressed by the parents was profoundly moving. They were so happy and thankful.”

Dr. Charles Lennon, who brought his 1962 Lotus 7, says “I have judged at numerous concours and shown at many others. I must say, I have never experienced such an engaging opportunity to share the joy of classic automobiles with children. Even my grandchildren came. This event was definitely special for me and for them.”

Youth judges check out 1986 911 Porsche and 1961 Corvette

Betsy Gelotte, owner of a 1961 Triumph TR3A on display, says “The kids and parents were so excited and appreciative. The children embraced the responsibility of judging and the challenge of the Fun Hunt with such great enthusiasm!”

Galen Royer one of three accomplished and seasoned car enthusiasts who supervised a team of youth judges may have made the most insightful comment. While anecdotal, it remains impressive when Royer says, “Other than for taking a photograph, I did not observe anyone using their cell phone.”

In reflecting on what distinguished and differentiated the Collectible Car Fair from all other car shows, two things stand out. One  being the high quality of the individuals who hosted their cars and the individuals who manned the event functions. Secondly a factor unquestionably unique to this show resides in the value of partnering with a respected library featuring a bright and energetic director. When good people work together great things can happen. Clearly the case with the Collectible Car Fair for Kids and Teens.

Future car guy with 1993 Viper

As to what comes next, my hope is that the Collectible Car Fair idea Johnny Appleseeds its way across the country.” Anyone interested can contact the Hillsdale Free Public Library ( I have created a basic production guide describing how to run your own Collectible Car Fair for Kids and Teens.


By |2024-09-19T15:35:53+00:00September 14th, 2024|2 Comments

Cars We Love & Who We Are #54

Brimming with the unbridled enthusiasm of a true believer blind to the many pitfalls that could await, I plunged into the personal uncharted waters of classic car event planning. Together I and my cohort of equally eager enthusiasts, set forth to create a classic car interactive show targeted to those  eighteen years of age and under. This group represented an audience that we believed would be primed to embrace the culture, art and excitement of the  greatest gift of the industrial age, the automobile, if presented properly.

To the best of my knowledge such an event as the “Collectible Car Fair for Kids and Teens” has never been attempted, at least not in America. And if not here, the world’s most car-centric nation, then where else? As the show date of September 8th fast approaches, an interested observer could rightfully ask “How’s it going?”

The answer might surprise you.

America’s First Car Show for Kids?

1886 Benz Patent-Motorwagen

So the phone rings. A gentleman named Joe (Not his real name. I will explain later.) says he heard that I needed a Model T for a Collectible Car Fair for Kids and Teens. He said he loved the idea of the event and wanted to lend his support. I thanked him but said that I had just found the Model T I wanted the day before. Joe responded saying, “What else do you need?” I asked, “What else do you have?” He answered saying, “I have everything.” My wall clock showed 9:30 am. By 11:45 my car sat in his driveway. Looking up from the engine bay of what I assessed to be a late 1930’s Ford Phaeton, Joe welcomed me. Middle aged with a big frame and friendly demeanor, His warm greeting and extended hand made me feel at ease right away. Shutting off the Ford, Joe, joined by his father, the originator of this stunning collection, directed me inside the building located behind him. Thus commenced a guided tour through multiple buildings.

1908 Pope Hartford

All featured walls and ceilings adorned with a priceless array of vintage automobilia, so tightly packed, it left little wall surface visible. The buildings, themselves, housed a literal Pantheon of early to mid-20th century significant automobiles packed chock-a-block shoulder to shoulder. Indeed for that era, he had everything and they pretty much all ran. Display vehicles included a curved dash Olds, Brass Era beauties, handsome brawny 30’s Packards, Mercedes-Benz 300 SLs and Corvettes to name a few. He spread his arms wide to include vehicles available to be viewed and sat in by the “Kids and Teens.” Joe then said he had a few suggestions, though I could name anything I felt best suited my needs. His suggestions filled critical gaps in a visual telling of 20th century automobile history. He directed my attention to the rear of the large room to present suggestion number one. There stood a Brass Era beauty, a 1908 Pope Hartford. A splendid brass bedecked self-propelled white carriage suitable for Cinderella. Joe said that despite the considerable distance, he would drive His Pope Hartford to the show.

1941 Willys Jeep

After all he would be shipping it to California to participate in a driving tour. His second recommendation offered up a classic firmly planted in American history. He pointed to a perfect and authentically outfitted 1941 Willys WWII Jeep including mounted 50 caliber machine gun, yes the gun has been plugged. Saving the best for last, he directed me to a backroom where stood one of the 70 1886 Benz Patent-MotorWagen reproductions built by Mercedes-Benz to celebrate the first automobile. Thanks to the generosity of Joe and his father all three vehicles will be at the show. Indeed except for the 1886 Patent-MotorWagen, children will be free to sit in and experience these time machines as with all other cars on display. As to Joe’s false name, some degree of anonymity is appreciated when dealing with a collection like his.

Indeed surprises abounded. In calling upon my friend Henry to request he bring his stunning 1933 Packard, Henry politely demurred. He felt uneasy about bringing a car that had not been on the road much lately. He did, however, offer an alternative. He asked if it would be acceptable for him to bring his 1928 Rolls-Royce Phantom I? Absolutely! I had to remind him having the Rolls on display meant that a child would be allowed to sit in the car. Henry responded saying, “That’s what seats are for.” In the not necessarily unwarranted protective mindset of classic car ownership, the counterintuitive nature of Henry’s response reflected the mindset of the many participants bringing their cherished vehicles to share with new generations of potential car enthusiasts. Participating owner comments seemed to reflect an overriding sense of “passing on a baton” of stewardship that transcended material concerns.

Rolls-Royce Phantom 1

Dean who will be bringing his 1968 Mustang, rescheduled his overseas travel plans to accommodate the Collectible Car Fair date. I believe this depth of commitment to stewardship reflects a widely held concern in the car enthusiast community for the future well being of the classic automobile culture.

Being an event focused on school age children, I felt it natural to reach out to school systems in the surrounding area. Taking the direct approach I walked unannounced into the offices of the Superintendent of Schools for the regional high school district. Sometimes you just get lucky. I happened to walk in with everyone gathered in the conference room for a staff meeting. Inviting myself in, the genial gathering asked how they could be of help. I quickly delivered my best elevator speech. A lovely bright eyed and charming woman offered to be of help. As she directed me into her office I realized that I had just met Sarah Billotti Superintendent of Schools for the Pascack Valley Regional High School District. I quickly laid out my plan. The Collectible Car Fair for Kids and Teens would be as hands-on as you could get. Children would be welcome to sit in each vehicle on display and experience the living history of the greatest gift of the industrial age, the automobile. Through this hands-on experience students would have the opportunity to better understand the history, character, beauty, and excitement of the iconic vehicles that revolutionized individual lives and forever changed global culture in the 20th century. Our goal: to create fertile ground for promoting probing questions from bright young minds. Ms. Bilotti embraced the idea and directed me to contact the principals at both high schools comprising the district. As I prepared to leave, a very brief but telling experience took place. It would be repeated numerous times in my efforts to connect with people in a position to support the event. As I headed for the door, Ms. Bilotti called my attention to her cell phone. She recalled a great time she had just spent in Paris with her daughters. The picture she shared showed the vehicle in which they toured Paris, a 1970s VW bus.

1993 Dodge Viper

Over the coming week I met with three local high school principals John Puccio, Tim Wieland and Troy Lederman. All three could not have been more supportive. All had stories relating to personal experiences or faculty involved with classic cars. They especially liked the “Careers in Restoration and Related Fields” class we would be holding after the Fair ended. Not very child should go to college and for those who seek a different path, significant opportunities exist. This was highlighted in a recent Wall Street Journal article “Gen-Z Skilled-Trade Workers Are Making #BlueCollar Cool” (June 12, 2024).

Local police have embraced the Fair as a great community outreach effort. Library Director Dave Franz and his staff at the co-sponsoring Hillsdale, NJ Library actively and creatively support the Fair as a means for exposing children to a great resource for discovering and exploring new interests. It is edifying to see how the Fair has captured the attention of these institutions dedicated to the education and growth of the children they serve.

Our efforts have produced an extraordinary curated stable of thirty historically significant cars running the gamut from the aforementioned Benz Patent-Motorwagen to a Ford GT. Equally impressive, the Fair will be staffed by a gifted team of knowledgeable and engaging car enthusiasts.

I must admit that I have not accepted all offers for support. The great folks at Hemmings asked about advertizing the Fair. I declined. Why? As I have explained to all of the team involved in this first effort, in preparing for their first flight Wilbur Wright did not suggest to Orville Wright that they fly to Los Angeles. Getting airborne for 100 feet would be considered a success. I want to get this off the ground for 100 feet. I would then like the car enthusiast community to embrace the idea of the Collectible Car Fair for Kids and Teens and spread it across the nation.

As I explained to the folks at Hemmings. Rather than invite the world and have it show up like a tsunami of interest, I would much rather publish a story after the event that describes its local success.

By |2024-08-25T12:42:14+00:00August 25th, 2024|Comments Off on Cars We Love & Who We Are #54

Cars We Love & Who We Are #53

Carving a two-lane groove through verdant New England forests and farmland, Elaine and I had a morning’s worth of country miles under our belt. Having departed the Ira Allen House B&B in Sunderland Vt. and with Vermont now rapidly fading in the rear view mirror, a sharp left bend in the road revealed a sight that sent my foot off the gas. I found us fast approaching the tail of an post-war teal blue Studebaker pickup. Standing tall, proud and slow on its skinny bias-ply tires, it provided a window to yesterday on a timeless country road. Being in no particular hurry, I locked on to its 35 mph cruising speed and enjoyed the view. In a decision that would prove to significantly upgrade our planned day’s experience, I followed the truck as it exited the back road for a rural rest stop.

I was about to learn how to correctly pronounce Schaghticoke(?).

Classic Trucks Loaded with Memories

Don Dorr’s 1947 Studebaker Pickup

By the time I had pulled over and exited Elaine’s Honda Ridgeline, the man who I would later come to know as Don Dorr had the Studebaker’s hood up and his head buried in the engine bay. “It’s running hot,” said Don sensing my presence. “I think it’s a loose fan belt. You got a pry bar of sorts in your truck?” Don asked. Sadly, I had to say “No.” Though with the Ridgeline being Elaine’s truck, I did have a yoga mat at the ready if needed. Luckily Don carried a pocket full of wrenches and quickly tightened down the belt.

With the Studebaker returned to proper functionality, I took the opportunity to find out about the man. A spritely 88-years old, Don explained that he had been collecting trucks and cars for over 65 years. He recalled his first truck being a 1935 Ford pickup.

Don Dorr and friend with his Studebaker

Since then entries into his collection have ranged up to B61 and B53 Mack road tractors both of which he restored. In the case of the teal blue Studebaker, he has had it for the last 15 of those 65 years. “Why a Studebaker?” I ask. Don says, “I used to sell Studebakers in the 1960s until they went out of business. I bought this one for old time’s sake and I just like them.” When it comes to the cars Don has collected his tastes  run to the eclectic and clearly not main stream. In reflecting on cars he recalls owning Don says, “A couple of Nashs, four or five Crosleys and a Kaiser-Darrin come to mind.” As the morning sun edges higher in the sky, it’s time for both of us to get back on the road. Shaking hands, I ask his destination. Don responds saying, “The big Uncle Sam Chapter of the ATCA (Antique Truck Club of America) Show at the Schaghticoke (shag-ag-it-e co-kee – don’t think so), New York Fair Grounds. Intrigued, this information reprograms our itinerary. I love trucks, especially old trucks. Macks, Brockways, Whites, Autocars, Internationals, Corbitts, I love them all. I hustle back to the road first to get in front of rather than behind Don’s poky pickup. I am pumped for this country truck show.

I love serendipity. Snaking along back roads to Schaghticoke (sugar-hite-cookie?), Elaine sights a rural farmers market. We stop. Its early. The antique trucks will be in no hurry to leave the Schaghticoke (chuga-ticky?)  Fair grounds . Elaine mentions our truck show destination to a woman vendor. She energetically responds saying, “My girlfriend Tami runs that show.” Can’t make this up. We are on our way.

Rural New York State sits replete with destinations usually associated with the phrase “You can’t get there from here.” This most often translates into patchwork journeys packed with “Go a mile and take a turn” connections. The journey to Schaghticoke (Shaga-hata-coke?) served as the perfect poster child for such back road ramblings.

Elaine checking out the truck show

Not being in a hurry serves well as grease smoothing road trips that could otherwise be described as a grind. Finally the sprawling fair grounds come into view. Home to Stock Car Football Demo Derbies, Farm Tractor Pulls, Lucky E Rodeo and Monster truck events, I have a good feeling as I pull in and pay my four dollar entry fee. I am not disappointed either by the Uncle Sam Truck Show or the gracious and accommodating people involved.

Passing through the fair ground’s entrance gate we had the good fortune to meet the aforementioned Tami, the President of the Uncle Sam chapter of the ATCA. Against a broad vista of mostly pristine and often glistening Class 8 road tractors (Those comprising the pulling component of a semi) I sat down to ask the smiling affable Tami Elise Winch How a nice girl like her got in a place like this? It quickly became evident her answer would be “Just lucky, I guess.”

Tami Elise Winch with her Brockway 776

Energetic and engaging, Tami enjoys twin passions with one being fine art oil painting. Her award winning work employing a photo-realistic style with a wildlife theme has hung in galleries across New York state. Tami’s other passion, proudly on display here in Schaghticoke (shag-cookie?), resides in the promotion and preservation of vintage trucks in general and Brockway trucks, a product of Cortland, NY, in particular. Tami explains her affinity for big truck saying, “As a child my folks owned a truck stop. Big rigs and truckers comprised a large part of my early life experience. Those formative early years hold many good memories.” For good measure Tami’s trucking experience in her adult years has benefitted from her relationship with Andrew Hill, her husband of 16 years. Andrew’s truck passion clearly evidences itself in his role as the National Historian and Archivist for all things Brockway truck. Inspired by his uncle’s fleet of Brockways, Andrew, 54-years old, started researching and archiving Brockway history and reference materials at the age of 10. He has never stopped.

Tami’s and Andrew’s passion for Brockway trucks manifests itself in a collection of five Brockways two very clean restorations ,a 558 and a 776 presented very well at the show.

Tami’s path to the chapter’s presidency really qualifies more as a rescue mission than a coronation. Tami says, “The Uncle Sam Club chapter of the ATCA had been together for 22 years. Andrew had started the chapter in 2002. Unfortunately, the Covid years took a toll on public participation opportunities. Tami says, “It hurt our organization badly.” By 2023 the truck club stood on the brink of folding. Those who had been in charge were aging out of their leadership roles. Tami says, “With Covid and all, you could not blame them.” Timing however is everything. Tami says, ”I had been very active in the Uncle Sam Chapter for quite a while but had taken a few years off. Suddenly faced with the thought of this wonderful organization simply fading away pained me.” Tami decided to fan the embers of commitment that she believed remained. Member response proved her right. Members in rightly recognizing the good thing they had, voted Tami in as president of the Uncle Sam Chapter. Out of curiosity I asked  how did the chapter name “the Uncle Sam Chapter” come about? I expected a simple answer, I got an American history lesson. Uncle Sam, yes, that Uncle Sam really existed  and he grew up in nearby Troy, New York.

Samuel “Uncle Sam” Wilson

Now, boys and girls put on your history hats and prepare to return to the early years of the 19th century and the War of 1812 fought with the British. During that time, Troy native son, the genial Samuel Wilson operated a local meat packing business. It employed many of his nephews and supplied provisions to the United States Army. With meat for American troops in short supply Samuel Wilson packed meat into barrels to be shipped to soldiers preparing for battle with the British troops stationed in Canada. As meat rations were a rare treat, soldiers receiving these most welcome supplies wanted to know who should be thanked. The answer came, “Uncle Sam.” As the barrels of meat had “US” stamped on them, it did not take long for soldiers to joke that the stamped US and Uncle Sam represented one in the same. And so Uncle Sam entered American lore. As long departed radio personality Paul Harvey used to say, “Now you know the rest of the story.” And now we will return to present day events in Schaghticoke (chauta-cookie?).

One of Tami’s first actions called for bringing the Uncle Sam Truck Show to Schaghticoke Fair Grounds. I asked her if she chose the sight because of its ease of pronunciation. Tami, with the feigned countenance of a frustrated teacher addressing a slow student,  says, “It’s pronounced Sha-Tuh-Kuk.” And with laughter in her eyes Tami adds, “It’s easy for folks raised around here.” Ouch! I deserved that.

Tami’s decision to move the Uncle Sam Chapter Show to Schaghticoke hit it out of the park. With 150 registered entries and additional same day show-ups, the 2024 show exceeded all expectations and surpassed any event turnout in the history of the club. Uncle Sam would be pleased. Well prepared by Tami to enjoy the show, I commenced to immerse myself in a bounty of primarily Class 8 truck motor muscle.

Ken Brower’s 1951 Mack A-51

A glistening ruby in the stark sunlight of the clear summer afternoon, a brilliant red 1951 A-51 Mack tandem axle tractor pulling a stainless steel tanker drew me like a moth to a glowing porch bulb. Its brightwork displayed like polished silver in a red jeweler’s case. Simply stunning. Even more astounding, this immaculate muscular gem shining in an upstate New York regional truck show came from North Haledon, NJ. I could not wait to talk to the owner. Sadly, I could not find him. So, Ken Brower wherever you are, You have a great truck. Moving on, I encountered a sight that delivered a double shot of happiness inducing Dopamine.

Tony Papa’s 1949 Mack LJ

Moving down the row a beautifully restored 1949 “LJ” Mack tandem axle tractor dominated my field of vision. To my further delight off in the distance sat Don Dorr’s 1947 Studebaker. No longer overheating, the teal blue pickup had made it to the show. Don saw me and gave a thumbs up.

Returning my attention to the handsome 1949 Mack, I had the pleasure of meeting its owner and restorer Tony Papa. A lifelong truck guy, Tony has been collecting trucks since he got out of high school in the 1980s. Tanned and fit, Tony explained that he had first set eyes on this Mack as it moldered in a neighbor’s nearby field. Only a true car, motorcycle or truck guy can understand the use of “Love at first sight” when referring to a vehicle. For Tony, this Mack pressed all the right buttons. A long running tale of unrequited love, the truck sat loved but unmoved for decades as Tony waited. With his, now, grown children in their pre-teen years the chance arrived. The owner stipulated if Tony could get that tired only Mack running, the owner would sell it to him. Tony did not hesitate. Surprise, he got it running. Shortly thereafter, In 2005, Tony flat-bedded it to his farm. There he rolled it into his 30 ft. by 100 ft. workshop garage and set it on jack stands. There it would reside in various states of condition for years as Tony embarked on a full body-off, chassis-up restoration.

Me, as a car guy who can pretty much physically move most parts associated with a car, I have always wondered how guys restored big Class 8 trucks containing a wealth of parts that could pin you to the mat like a 500-pound sumo wrestler. Tony, who looks like a wrestler, explained saying, “I’ve got a big gantry on wheels. I have two 5-ton chain falls suspended from the gantry.” He rigged up a system using four by fours that went through the cab doors. Rugs provided cushioning for protection. Tony Says, “With everything in position I just lifted the cab right off the frame. I’ve got transmission jacks to drop the transmission. Using the gantry I pulled the motor as well as the rears.”

Before saying good-bye to Tony and ending my time in Schaghticoke, I asked for one of his best memories associated with his Mack. Tony says, “It’s part of the memories with my kids. They helped me pull things apart.” He continued saying, “I told them you can’t hurt it. Just start unscrewing things. We had a lot of fun doing that back when they were young.”

I have read that the difference between pleasure and joy can be found in the fact joy that involves not only pleasure but the sharing of pleasure with other people in a way that produces happy memories. Clearly, for Tony, his Mack truck brings him joy.

Travel notes:

Ira Allen Inn, – Rustic, Historic, Next to Battenkill River, a premier trout stream in VT. nice location, great hospitality.

Look for the 2025 Uncle Sam Chapter Truck Show at Schaghticoke Fair Grounds next summer located a pleasant 40-minute drive from the Saratoga Springs Car Museum .

By |2024-08-01T13:09:15+00:00August 1st, 2024|3 Comments

Cars We Love & Who We Are #52

I am really pleased. My adult school class of car enthusiasts loves the idea of hosting a Collectible Car Fair for Kids and Teens. A palpable excitement swept the predominantly “Boomer” filled classroom. They embraced the thought of introducing some of the most significant automobiles of the 20th century to pre-teens and early adolescents, a cohort some fear to be oblivious to classic car culture and, worse, much of American history. Yet I believe these youthful digital natives possess an un innate yearning to feed a neglected hunger for positive real life hands-on experiences. The visceral pleasure of the analog driving experience being one excellent example.

Dauntingly, with this task comes the challenge of creating a meaningful and engaging hands-on experience for today’s Generation Alpha Digital Natives (Born after 2010). This latest wave of new born humanity has entered the world after the death of the new car brochure, the ascendance of Uber and the displacement of Henry Ford by Elon Musk as the reigning father of personal transportation. On the positive side  the Wall Street Journal recently reported writing, “Stick shift sales (While still a small percentage) have rebounded over the past three years, fueled by younger buyers.

Making it Happen: Collectible Car Fair for Kids and Teens


The profound impact of the automobile’s introduction in the early 1900s manifested throughout the known world but nowhere more so than in a strapping young 20th century America ready to take its place on the world stage. Like a snap shift of tectonic plates, the impact of the automobile’s introduction on global society cannot be overestimated. Interestingly a single word captures the source of power that compelled society’s wild embrace of the automobile. The ground shaking power of this word revolutionized the life of every individual as well as the fabric of modern society in general. That word? Freedom! Freedom as granted by the automobile to all races, colors and creeds of common man, unmistakably represented the Industrial Age’s greatest gift to social mobility, in more ways than one.

Some fear that the appreciation for the awesome privilege of freedom no longer resonates with newer generations. It would seem that boys  and girls have not been raised to appreciate the largess and independence that they largely take for granted. Many of today’s youth experience a life fraught with digitally induced stress and anxiety. Driven to distraction in a social media world of likes and influencers, today’s children too often are in danger of self-sealing into tactile deprivation bubbles. However, all may not be lost. The previously referenced Wall Street Journal article quotes one stick shifting digital native who says, “Computer people are car people. Half of my co-workers drive manuals.”

Children benefit from positive hands-on experiences that address all of their senses. It constructively counterbalances the gravitational pull of the social media consciousness that draws them away from recognizing and appreciating the full mental, physical, emotional and spiritual richness of a life well lived.

For today’s youth a vast informational marketplace offering interpretations of history, experiences and contemporary events resides at their finger tips. However, to what sources do those fingers point? Apparently more often than not the fingers of contemporary youth point to undisciplined sites like TikTok for information. As a highly respected English teacher I once knew preached to her writing classes, “Don’t tell me, show me.” My class agrees. For them a virtual world offers no match for the sensory feast available in the real world. It calls to mind the “feelies” in Aldous Huxley’s literary classic Brave New World. Life in the story’s totalitarian state promotes a soulless world of sizzle, not steak.

In presenting the Classic Car Fair for Kids and Teens idea to Dave Franz the Director of the Hillsdale Free Public Library, I found a supportive kindred spirit and creative resource. Dave says, “The Hillsdale Library strives to provide a place for people to share their enthusiasm and passion. Equally important it equips individuals to expand their awareness of the world around them. This event offers children and their parents the opportunity to interact with people passionate about the history, excitement and significance of classic automobiles.”

With the availability of Hillsdale’s splendid library and its spacious parking made available, we picked a date and a time. The Library would host the Fair on Sunday September 8th from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Game on!

HAVE A SEAT – In creating our hands-on event, our intention calls for us to keep it simple. Our goal demands we keep it real. The Collectible Car Fair will be as hands-on as you can get. Children will be welcome to sit in each vehicle on display and experience the living history of the greatest gift of the industrial age. Through this hands-on experience students will better understand the character, beauty, and excitement of the iconic vehicles that revolutionized individual lives and forever changed global culture in the 20th century.

We hope to create fertile ground for promoting probing questions from bright young minds. Such questions might be:

  • What makes this car special?
  • Why is the steering wheel so big?
  • Why three pedals?
  • Why are there crank handles on the door panels?
  • Why did they put fins on cars?
  • What is a Muscle Car?
  • Why doesn’t this car have side windows?
  • What does road feel mean?
  • Unlike older cars why do new cars all look the same?
  • Why does it seem old cars are more fun?
  • When my grandfather was young, why were teenage guys so interested in cars?
  • What is meant by “Freedom of the road?”
  • Why were there songs about cars in the 1960s?
  • What was a drive-in movie?

Event staffing will be by men and women from the “Collectible Automobiles as a Passion” class. These knowledgeable car enthusiasts wearing their GUIDE button own the individual models of well maintained classic automobiles to be displayed. They will be prepared to speak knowingly about their vehicle and the year in the 20th century when the vehicle came to market.  Cars on display will include a 1928 Rolls-Royce Phantom 1, 1970 Plymouth Superbird, 1961 C1 Corvette, 1962 Lotus 7, 1974 DeTomaso Pantera, 1986 911 Porsche, 1956 Thunderbird, 1959 Cadillac and many more. Each car will bear a windshield placard offering selected facts about the vehicle and America in that year. For the 1961 Corvette and 1974 Pantera the placards would read:

1961 Corvette

Staff members can not only discuss the technical and design features of their car, they can explain why this car has special meaning for them.

For children the power of “story” can be profound. Everybody loves a good story. A car someone holds dear often provides a vehicle for relating an important aspect of the owner’s life. For me, I have owned my 1961 Corvette for 57 years. Over the span of my lifetime every meaningful person in my life has sat in that car.



And for the hands-on experience, just what will the children be putting their hands on? A few examples are:

1928 Rolls-Royce Phantom


Representing the finest automobile of its time and the expression of superior quality and luxury that continues to this day. Built by hand

with the finest materials and the most exacting technical specifications. The automobile brand favored by the fabulously rich, the outrageously famous and the most elevated royalty.


1952 MGTD

This little spindly wheeled British sports car that came to America right after WWII brought home by American soldiers who had fallen in love with it in England. It created an exciting new class of automobiles in America, the “sports car.” That it had no roll up windows, a frail leaky convertible top and under-powered engine did not matter. America loved it.


1963 356 PORSCHE

Nicknamed the bathtub Porsche because of its rounded lines, the 356 took America by storm. A lightweight and nimble-handling, rear-engine, rear-wheel drive, two-door sports car it came as both a hardtop coupé and convertible. After coming to America in the early 1950s this spirited German sports car quickly became a dominant force on mid 20th century race tracks.


1963 Porsche 356


The 1965 GTO belongs to the first generation of the Pontiac midsize 2-door coupe equipped with a high performance V8 engine. Generally recognized as the car that ushered in the era of the American Muscle Car and the associated Detroit horsepower wars.



Most famous for its role in the hit movie series “Back to the Future,” The DeLorean owes its existence to the same man who created the Pontiac GTO, John DeLorean. All DeLoreans were silver due to their bodies being stainless steel as DeLorean did not want his car to rust. Actually the factory in Belfast, Ireland that built the DeLorean produced two non-silver versions. They were gold plated for an American Express promotion.

1965 Pontiac GTO

LEARNING TO JUDGE – Children will also have the opportunity to learn how competing cars are judged at a car show. Children who register in advance with the Hillsdale Library can attend a “How to judge a car” class given on the morning of the event. The class will be taught by experienced concours judge, automotive journalist, past Director of the Rolls-Royce Club of America and friend of Drivin’ News Bob Austin. All registrants who complete the class will have the opportunity to actually judge vehicles on display. All children who complete the class and participate in judging will receive a certificate of recognition.

FUN FACT HUNT –  To further involve the children, a “Fun Hunt for Car Facts” will challenge them to find answers to a list of questions relating to the classic cars on display. Each child finding all the correct answers will win a poster of himself or herself posing with their favorite car.

1982 DeLorean

CAREERS – Closing out the event McPherson College graduate and McPherson student mentor Nicholas Navarro will present on the topic of college degree and non-degree opportunities associated with classic car restoration and automotive technology.

HILLSDALE LIBRARY -A benefit available throughout the Fair will be Dave’s availability to provide information on materials available at the library relating to classic cars, the automobile industry and the car culture. As well, Hillsdale Library offers knowledgeable staff, extensive reading lists, available movies, how to videos and a vast array of materials and experiences accessible through the Bergen County network of libraries (BCCLS).

Hillsdale Library also features a vintage truck enthusiast. That would be Library Director Dave. He and his son are restoring Dave’s grandfather’s 1949 Chevy 3100 pick-up.









By |2024-07-11T13:06:54+00:00July 11th, 2024|Comments Off on Cars We Love & Who We Are #52

Cars We Love & Who We Are #50

In “Betraying the Brand or Smart Business? Part I” Drivin’ News sought to explore the impact of BMW’s new oversized grill and new design badge on the BMW brand. In examining the nature of branding, Part I looked back at how Mercedes-Benz in the 1990s had responded to market forces for which its engineering focus had been deemed untenable. How they dealt with it required many broken eggs to create the new Mercedes-Benz brand omelet of the late 1990s. The resulting outcome, though painful, did seek to morph the brand into representing a more consumer oriented maker of luxury automobiles while preserving its iconic 3-pointed star.

Part II visits Volvo and its branding challenges in the years just before and after being purchased by Ford in 1999.

Betraying the Brand or Smart Business? Part II


The experience of another great brand, Volvo, with its iconic Iron Mark logo offers important lessons in the value of fidelity to brand values.

When I came on board with Volvo Cars of North America in 1980, the previous decade of the 1970s had seen Volvo featuring taglines like “The car for people who think,” and in 1978 “A car you can believe in.” Reflecting the somewhat cerebral nature of its taglines’ appeal, Volvo courted a niche to which it played well. Its accessory catalog could easily have included Volvo branded leather elbow patches and pipe cleaners.

1979 Volvo “Love Letters” ad

With the 1980s, it seemed the world discovered the safe, durable, reliable, rugged, environmentally conscious and comfortable Swede. While always a small player in a much larger automobile universe, Volvo always punched above its weight. It enjoyed extraordinary brand recognition, far beyond what its modest sales volume would normally merit.

To think of any other car brand proudly displaying an “I Love my car” bumper sticker would have been unthinkable. I love my Lincoln? I love my BMW? I love my anything? It did not work. But “I love my Volvo,” absolutely. Owners loved their Volvos. So much so that they would pen love letters to Volvo headquarters especially ones featuring a common theme. Safety! Unsolicited, Volvo owners would send photos of terrible accidents they had experienced accompanied by letters thanking Volvo for the safe cars they built while proclaiming, “Volvo Saved My Life.” A steady stream of such letters inspired Bob Austin, then, Director of Marketing Communications at Volvo Cars of North America to start the “Volvo Saved My Life Club” in 1990. Austin said, “The club was a way to recognize a very special group of people and say thank you in a very respectful way.”

At the same time Volvo delighted in recognizing another group of owners. This group shared a very different Volvo attribute, longevity. These Volvo owners put hundreds of thousands of miles on the Volvos they loved. This lead to Volvo establishing the Volvo High Mileage Club that awarded handsome badges in 100,000 increments to drivers with high mileage Volvos. One such driver stood tall as a renowned figure among car people in general and Volvo people in particular. His name was Irv Gordon. Gordon had long held and most likely will always hold the Guinness World Record for most miles driven in a single car. Over the span of six decades Gordon put 3.2 million miles on his 1966 Volvo P1800.

Irv Gordon and his 1966 Volvo P1800

By the early 1990s, I had started my own business which enjoyed Volvo as a client. Still Swedish to its core, Volvo offered a new family of good looking and popular 850 sedans and wagons that all remained faithful to the Volvo brand values.

Volvo’s tagline of the 1990s “Drive Safely” proffered friendly and thoughtful counsel. In reinforcing long held brand values, the tagline really cut to the chase. In the Pantheon of Volvo core values intelligent comprehensive world class safety design stood the tallest. Going back to the very beginning in 1927, safety stood foremost in the minds of Volvo founders Assar Gabrielsson and Gustaf Larson when they stated, “Cars are driven by people. Therefore, the guiding principle behind everything we make at Volvo is, and must remain, safety.”

If asked, “What do you think of when you hear the name Volvo?” For all members of the Volvo family of employees and much of the public the answer would be “Safety, durability and quality.” In 1995 Bill Hoover, then Volvo Cars of North America Executive Vice President, speaking for all those Volvo executives who had come before him in carrying the Volvo banner, was asked. “How does a company with such relatively small annual sales get such high brand name recognition?” Hoover said, “We are not trying to be the auto du jour. Our image has consistently been one of safety, durability and quality.” Researchers at Yankelovitch Partners, a major research firm at the time, assessed the reason for Volvo’s success. Their conclusion? “Volvo promoted their car as the choice for safety, durability and quality and they delivered.”

However, during the 1990s winds of change started buffeting Volvo in North America. Traditional Volvo brand advocates had been organized out of the North American operation. Longtime CEO Joseph Nicolato retired in 1991. Hoover was provided an “opportunity” to manage Volvo’s Asia/Pacific marketing operations in Singapore and Austin chose not to join Volvo in its move to Irvine, California after Ford, under CEO Jack Nasser, bought Volvo in 1999. The cost, $6.5 Billion. Ford’s purchase of Volvo represented a watershed moment. By relocating Volvo to the west coast Ford intended to package it into Ford’s newly created Premier Auto Group (PAG) with Wolfgang Reitzle at the helm. PAG membership would consist of Volvo, Jaguar, Aston Martin, Mazda, Lincoln-Mercury and Land Rover, all Ford owned marques.

1981 Volvo “Brownies” ad

Unfortunately, Volvo’s relocation from Rockleigh, NJ to Irvine in 2001 gutted the corporate culture. Purged from the loyal Volvo ranks, a large number of longtime experienced employees with extensive product knowledge either did not get invited or chose not to uproot and move across country. Sadly, seven years later when PAG failed and with most of its pieces sold off, Ford would return Volvo to New Jersey. Regrettably it could never reclaim the lost and invaluable experience and expertise that had been willingly sacrificed. Ford ran Volvo off a cliff and without safety, Volvo would not survive the crash as a Ford owned brand.

With the demise of the old guard (Literally, like the three Grail Knights in “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade” Austin, Hoover and Nicolato, had protected the Volvo brand) a drum beat emanating from Sweden first heard in the mid-1990s grew louder. The message, now, arrived loud and clear. Volvo should move up in the luxury ranks to be priced like Mercedes-Benz and BMW. In the March 23, 1998 Automotive News, a front page photo of Volvo senior management accompanied a story trumpeting “Volvo adds spice to image of safety.” The first paragraph said it all in describing global management’s stated belief that, “(Volvo’s) safety-laden reputation may be too square for today’s buyers.” The corporate mindset of Volvo’s, then, new owner, Ford, proved richly fertile ground for navigating a sea change in brand messaging driven by powerful winds of competitive brand envy.

It became a given by management that, “Safety was “understood” by all customers and, thus, did not need to be promoted. In word and deed it seemed new Volvo management espoused opinions of old Volvo brand values with a palpable disregard bordering on contempt. At a time when the Ford Explorer had a well publicized rollover issue, Volvo, had a suspension design in its newly introduced XC90 SUV that offered greater rollover protection. Volvo had to limit its advertising to avoid comparing its superiority to other brands.

1980 Volvo “LOVE” ad

From the new millennium’s early aughts to its early teens the market witnessed a Volvo intentionally transformed into a brand unintentionally adrift. Where once Volvo advertising resided at the pinnacle of wry humor (We’d Never put our brownies in a little tin box and What four-letter word best describes your car?), its efforts now seemed more “awry humor” that unwittingly insulted the very people to whom Volvo wished to sell.

Volvo’s iconic High Mileage Club’s substantial metal medallions awarded at 100,000 mile increment (Up to 1,000,000 miles) were shelved in place of a decal for every 250,000 miles. The prevailing management thought, then, called for not incentivizing people to keep their Volvos in the hope that they would more frequently buy new ones. Another high mileage Volvo association, the promotion of Irv Gordon, the beloved and world famous million mile driver went to the far back burner.

Volvo’s new direction witnessed co-branding promotions whose intent bordered on the threshold of incredulity. Volvo reportedly poured funds into the vampire themed Twilight Saga series of romance fantasy films. The Twilight films targeted young audiences comprised of a significant percentage of teenage girls, many too young to drive. However, Paul Walder, Global Marketing Manager at Volvo Cars said “More younger people think that Volvo is ‘cool’ because Edward drives one and this will impact on their future car buying decision making.” Contestant winners, young women ages 18 an 19 took home new XC60s.

Volvo committed significant dollars, as well, to its association with the film “Pirates of the Caribbean.” This involved people following clues to finding a Volvo buried by a salt water beach in the Bahamas. It is said that the size of the expenditures on the film promotions left little remaining to support North American advertising. Tracking data showed no association between promotional money expended and additional vehicles sold.

Coco Framboise

In a truly head scratching move, Volvo launched a “Naughty Volvo” S60 model promotion possessing the power to drive a stake through the heart (Apparently the vampire thing has stuck with me) of any lingering “family values association” remaining in consumer memory. Promotional events showcased the “Naughty Volvo S60” in venues such as a make-shift “Red Light” district in Toronto featuring “Burlesque star Coco Framboise with sounds provided by DJ Dopey and Poizonus.” The campaign included slogans like “Spank the competition” and “Naughty Volvos are coming.”

The start of the new millennium and the promotion of new values begun under Nasser and Reitzle did not go well for Volvo. From MY2000 with sales of 123,178 to MY2010 where sales had plummeted to 53,948 Volvo had lost its way. For the purpose of this article, the year 2010  will serve as the point in time where the decision on brand betrayal or good business will be determined. Why?  By the end of 2010 Ford would have sold Volvo to Geely of China. The price, $1.8 billion. $4.7 billion less than it had paid. The Geely purchase presents a whole new story for a later date.

Brand betrayal or smart decision? The plummeting sales volumes and the subsequent sale of the company screams betrayal. However, the good news for the traditional Volvo brand values comes with the success it once again enjoys, but not with Volvo. When Volvo dropped it, Subaru snatched it up and ran. The following quote comes from Subaru’s agency of record, Carmichael Lynch:   “How do you stand apart when your competition is spending literally billions of dollars? By connecting with what’s truly important to your audience — not just features they might like, but the life that they love. Their families. Their pets. The great outdoors. Even the venerable old Subaru they’ve been driving forever. In 2007, we introduced the “Love” campaign. In the years since, sales and market share have more than tripled and love has spread to every level of the brand.”

Many industry people recognize that Subaru has drawn heavily from the original Volvo playbook with great success as its reward. Themes like the “Love” Campaign, fund raising, golden retrievers, driver’s stories, environmental concerns and, above all, safety, all masterfully interwoven with a consistent voice and narrative have served Subaru well. From 2009 to 2019 Subaru sales in the U.S. increased 200% from 216,652 units to 700,117 units. Such success has many parents, but the Volvo themes sit at the head of the table.

A humorous aside. Austin, now, Past Volvo Director of Marketing Communications, has a good sense of humor. A number of years back he complimented the Subaru Advertising Manager on Subaru’s wrecking yard “They Lived” TV commercial. With a smile he added, “In fact I liked it when I did it 10 years ago.” Both laughed.

Now what of BMW? Brand Betrayal or Smart Business?

All different model SUVs

BMW, as the Ultimate Driving Machine, despite considerable success faces many challenges in a world racing – some might say hurtling – towards autonomous cars and where visual identity is increasingly harder to come by. (See nearby image of two dozen recent white SUVs from different manufacturers. Can you tell them apart?). BMW does not face this threat to individuality alone. And to be fair, BMW does produce designs a notch above. However, for the most part, unlike years back, today, all of one manufacturer’s model line looks pretty much the same as every other manufacturer’s offerings. Basically everything looks like a jelly bean with a few razor edges added for character. Just sayin’. This causes manufacturers to take desperate measures to distance themselves from the crowd. Have you noticed the more that car designs suffer under imposed hard points accommodating global market homogeneity demands, fuel economy demands and corporate packaging the larger grills have become? As an apparent natural byproduct of big grill disease, the ugly bordering on downright disturbing aesthetics of some creations produce, in the viewer, a kind of curious morbid fascination like seeing a two-headed cow and wondering how could this be? Case in point, the Lexus “Predator” grill design. Really?  Don’t laugh Audi your grill offers no visual feast for sore eyes either. But BMW? It already possessed what many consider one of the most recognizable grills in the business.

This brings me to BMW issue number one, the God-awful smiling Tasmania Devil grill. To put things in perspective while it doesn’t quite make me want to scratch my eyes out, it does make the “Bangle Butt” and the first generation Z4 front fender “Z” line border on being fond memories. Yes, a frontal feature that distinguishes and differentiates a design serves a valuable purpose when it does so in an attractive way. However, the Phantom of the Opera wore a mask for a reason.

Does BMW believe that its iconic grill design suffers from being so indistinguishable that “better to be ugly and noticed” offers valid defense of its questionable execution?

Secondly, the lollipop Roundel. Logos such as Ferrari’s prancing horse, the Rolls-Royce “Spirit of Ecstasy” and, yes, the BMW Roundel trigger a conditioned customer response. A product bearing that badge confirms that that car fulfills that long established brand’s promise. Research suggests that it takes five to ten years for a brand to be established in market consciousness. Common sense would suggest it takes one look at a distortion of the brand icon to confuse the observer. When the revered iconic badge undergoes change, the natural course of thought calls to question what other changes this new symbol might augur?

In the 2004 Automotive News World Congress Helmut Panke, then Chairman of BMW said, “A brand is a promise, a promise that the products of a brand provide substance, authenticity, emotional appeal and heritage.”

Does the jumbo grille and the pin wheel badge seem frivolous and unworthy of the BMW brand in light of Panke’s words.

What do you think?

For those interested in reading that offers insight into Branding and the automobile industry, the following are three recommendations:

  1. Where the Suckers Moon, An advertising story. Randall Rothenberg, Alfred A. Knopf, 1994
  2. Branding Iron, Branding Lessons from the Meltdown of the US Auto Industry. Charlie Hughes and William Jeanes, Racom Books, 2007
  3. Car Guys vs Bean Counters, The battle for the Soul of American Business. Bob Lutz. Penguin Books, 2011
By |2024-02-29T13:01:04+00:00February 29th, 2024|6 Comments

Cars We Love & Who We Are #49

Good fortune allowed me to enter the U.S. import car business in the later part of its formative years. For a subsequent period touching 5 decades I had the privilege to write for the vast majority of European automobile brands including, for over 30 years, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo and BMW. It afforded me the opportunity to work with some of the best and brightest professional men and women to grace the import automobile industry. I learned from these experienced, insightful and wise individuals the meaning and importance of “brand.” I admired how they would passionately defend “the Brand.” My time in the business also allowed me to witness corporate decisions that tacked a marque away from their traditional brand values.

This two-part issue of Drivin’ News will ask can “Betraying the Brand be good business?”

Betraying the Brand or Smart Business? Part I


For a product, a brand is a promise. A strong brand adheres faithfully to a set of values highly prized by a targeted market segment. Building a powerful brand image takes time and consistency because building trust takes time (five to ten years is a number quoted) and consistency. A brand that has established a high level of trust usually features a slogan and/or logo, the Mercedes-Benz 3-Pointed Star, Volvo Iron Mark or BMW Roundel that functions as a beacon signaling to targeted customers that this product will fulfill their expectations. A brand that customers have grown to trust represents a hard earned and invaluable asset. A product sending off-brand messages confuses the customer and undermines the brand. It raises questions.

Recently I noticed a new BMW with a redesigned version of the iconic blue, white and black BMW badge. The new iteration called to mind a child’s multi-color swirl lollipop. That together with BMW’s recent addition of the oversized smiling Tasmanian Devil grill gave me pause. I realized that I had witnessed this manifestation of questionable branding efforts before. As a “car guy” such moves always engendered personal doubt and discomfort. As an exercise in retrospection I chose to revisit examples of brand infidelity I had witnessed and dig deeper before I explore two of BMW’s recent curious measures and their potential impact on the BMW brand.

Rather than looking first at BMW, Part I will start on the other side of the Strasse, with BMW’s arch rival Mercedes-Benz and in Part II, Volvo.

I began working at Mercedes-Benz in 1976. Then, the Mercedes-Benz boldly confident slogan “Engineered like no other car in the world” succinctly captured the Mercedes-Benz commitment to engineering excellence, quality, and luxury. It proudly advanced without equivocation the Mercedes-Benz brand values. As an organizational culture most everyone in the company embraced the passionate self-assessment of Mercedes-Benz as a builder of superior luxury automobiles for customers who understood, respected and could afford superior quality.

In the early years the business plan expressed by Mercedes-Benz management actually considered restricting overall Mercedes-Benz sales to 100,000 units to maintain its limited availability and support premium pricing and healthy margins. It is said that in the 1960s Executive VP of Sales Heinz Waizennegger laughed at the thought that consumers would ever consider paying $10,000 for a new passenger car. By the time I joined, company insiders laughed at the idea of people paying $20,000. By the 1980s nobody laughed any more.

Back then Mercedes-Benz as a company benefited from a workforce populated with skilled and dedicated car guys, both male and female, who, as a group, displayed a quiet and prideful confidence born of their perceived association with an internationally admired, stable and prosperous organization where the employees place and future seemed assured. Gifted engineers and technicians held respected status.

Many employees bought a new Mercedes each year at a favorable discount. Often the following year they would sell their year-old sedan for a profit. For longtime employees the annual profit could build to a cumulative sum where they were buying their annual new Mercedes with what felt like “house money.”

The Mercedes-Benz early North American business model succeeded based on a system where cars were designed, developed and perfected in a timely manner. Much like the aging of a prime steak or the maturing of a fine wine, Mercedes-Benz would bring without great haste well engineered and assorted superior vehicles to a loyal but limited market. However, the late 1980s witnessed U.S. sales volumes and margins declining. Word filtered out of internal management discussions considering the advisability of moving Mercedes-Benz product upscale into higher cost/higher margin but lower volume Rolls-Royce/Bentley territory.

Then Mike Jackson took the helm in 1989. He passionately preached to Stuttgart a message advocating reduced prices with more exciting product and advertising designed to reach a younger and broader market slice. To keep this in context, realize that M-B home office in Germany and M-B North America did not always see eye to eye. In their early years in America the mindset of the predominantly conservative post-war German Mercedes-Benz management in Stuttgart found the North America market baffling and at times infuriating. Especially humorous and emblematic of the disconnect surfaced in the early years when Mercedes-Benz in America pressured Stuttgart for a sunroof as a product feature. The German’s did not see the need when you could simply open the windows but, over time, Germany yielded to the demand. Shortly thereafter America wanted air conditioning. Home office in Stuttgart lost its mind. “The Americans had gotten their sunroof with the fresh air and sunshine now America wanted to close the sunroof and have air conditioning. By the 1980s, however, times were indeed changing with Mercedes-Benz having a more international character.

At the close of 1980s, U.S. sales had dropped for most European luxury car makers, including Mercedes. The economic recession, the luxury tax, and the dollar/mark valuation all played a part in the problem.

A 1991 study by J.D. Powers & Associates found that American luxury owners appreciated prestige but bought reliability, a Japanese brands’ strength. One particular reason for Mercedes’ maintenance issues, as compared to Japanese brands, emanated from Mercedes-Benz emphasis on cars being crafted more than mass produced. The Mercedes-Benz mindset at that time was expressed by Edzard Reuter, then chairman of Daimler-Benz, who said, “We constantly study our position and we always come to the conclusion that we should stay away from mass production. The economies of scale wouldn’t help us. Besides, we have a culture of engineering and product differentiation that would make it difficult.”

However, it had become increasingly apparent that Americans viewed Mercedes’ signature over-engineering as irrelevant. By 1991, Mercedes had started to pay attention to what the American customer and baby boomers in particular, wanted. This sea change in mindset resulted in Mercedes redirecting its focus away from engineering and towards marketing. Germany had listened to Mike Jackson. Mercedes-Benz would respond to a new reality by retaining the 3-pointed star but changing the value proposition it represented.

300SL factory craftsmanship

Like the canary in the coal mine, the slogan “Engineered like no other car in the world” would no longer sing the praises of Mercedes-Benz automobiles. The old brand values buckled under the pressure making way for a new paradigm intent on defining a new path to broader success.

Mercedes-Benz of North America retreated from its engineering-centric heritage to that of a North American marketing function. The retreat created pain. Notorious international business consulting firm McKinsey came in to plan the desired organizational changes with one of the results being a mass layoff of staff members that became known as “Black Tuesday.” This purging of experienced and loyal employees devastated company morale and weakened the foundation of the corporate culture. McKinsey interventions often left such organizational detritus in its wake.

W140 S-Class

The radical departure from past practices would evidence itself when comparing the MY1992 W140 S-Class with its replacement the MY2000 S220 S-Class. With the W140, initial development started in 1981 with it coming to market in 1991. It should be noted that the final product caused much consternation in Germany. The impact of significant cost overruns associated with the project’s over-engineering (Estimate, approx. $1 billion) would ripple through the organization with lasting effects. That said, in the case of the W140, save for a later developing issue with the car’s biodegradable wiring insulation, its excellent build quality and noteworthy expression of over-engineering received wide praise but lukewarm buyer interest. Certainly, new competition contributed to Mercedes’ disappointing sales. Japanese luxury in the form of Lexus and others had burst onto the scene swinging polite but sharp elbows. It forced the staid luxury market including Mercedes-Benz into a period of wrenchingly painful self-examination.

Development of the S220 began in 1992 at the dawn of marketing taking dominance over engineering at Mercedes-Benz. In comparing the S220 replacement for the W140, Motor Trend wrote, “Though hard to pin down, there was something about the S220 that suggested it was developed in an era when the engineers no longer held sway at Mercedes.”

S220 S-Class

Doug Munro, the respected online car reviewer and founder of “Cars and Bids” in comparing the S220 and W140, said, “It represents a low point being the product of cost cutting and simplification in production and engineering.” Munro went on to say, “The earlier goal in producing the W140 was to make the greatest car in the world and they did. In the case of the W220 cost cutting was the name of the game.” The 2000 S500 cost roughly 15% less than the 1992 S500.

So was the Mercedes-Benz course of action that of a brand betrayed or a smart business decision necessitated by a changing market?

The answer may well depend on your point of view. Are you a pure car guy or a business guy? A car guy savors great automobiles built with passion, brilliance, excellence and a cost be damned attitude. Business guys savor a great car that makes money. Car guys love Duesenbergs, Cords, Tuckers, Ferraris, Lamborghinis, Bentleys, Rolls-Royces to name a few. Unfortunately, all went bankrupt or were sold.

As to whether brand betrayal or smart business move, by the year 1998, one would have to say a necessary business decision. Why 1998? Because that year Daimler-Benz swallowed Chrysler and initiated a boiling cauldron of brand confusion and chaos. But that is story for another day.

Did Mercedes-Benz financially benefit from the brand’s redirection? Sales volume would seem to say yes. From Model Year 1991 though 1999 Mercedes-Benz unit sales increased from 58,868 units to 189,437 units. Certainly many factors such as more models, sportier offerings, the competitive set, exchange rates, manufacturing techniques and market conditions impacted sales as well. Furthermore, in considering the earlier fate of pinnacle brands such as Rolls-Royce, Bentley and, later, Mercedes’ own effort with Maybach, the idea of the upmarket move Mercedes-Benz management once considered, would seem to have been destined to fail. Furthermore, based partly on the success of Mercedes-Benz who industry insiders viewed as having been revitalized by Mike Jackson, Jackson now resides in the Automotive Hall of Fame.

In speaking of the old Mercedes-Benz brand, then, it may be best to say, “The king is dead. Long live the king.”


Betraying the Brand or Smart Business? Part II will focus on Volvo and BMW

By |2024-02-15T15:19:41+00:00February 15th, 2024|12 Comments

Cars We Love & Who We Are #48

It ranks high on the list of last places to look for classic Rolls-Royces and Bentleys. The meandering country two-lane bisects a large expanse of Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania farmland. Upon cresting a berm saddled with a railroad crossing, the road descends to reveal a well tended but non-descript collection of linked single story beige structures with the character of warehousing. Au contraire, one has arrived at the Rolls-Royce and Bentley Museum and home to the Rolls-Royce Foundation and Rolls-Royce Owners’ Club. Much like an automotive Clark Kent there is far more here than first meets the eye.

On this particular clear and crisp late autumn day turning into the front parking area reveals an array of vintage and classic Rolls-Royces and Bentleys. One in particular snags the eye and demands greater scrutiny. A striking black and silver open wheel hot rod sporting a Bentley Flying “B” vibrates in place, poised to launch.

Meet the Black Adder VI Bentley Special.

The Black Adder VI, an Outrageous Hot Rod Bentley

Alex and Elaine in the Black Adder VI

Daresay that the chances approached nil. Surely Baron Henry de Blonay of Villa Favorite in Chembésy, Switzerland never thought about it at all. What were the chances that his new 1947 Bentley Mark VI would, 70 years later, be a cycle fendered, open cockpit hot rod named after a poisonous viper and seen cruising the back roads of Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania.

While tracking ownership history of early postwar Bentleys ranks high on the frustration scale, much of the Black Adder’s last 75 years is known. Most of it resides in Mechanicsburg, PA.

My friend Henry Uiga greeted me. A Rolls-Royce owner, club member and Drivin’ News reader, Henry had extended Drivin’ News an invitation to the Rolls-Royce Club’s monthly Volunteer Saturday. On this scheduled day club members gathered at the Museum to service the Rolls-Royce and Bentley vehicles in the collection. Watching the members in action quickly dismissed any preconceived notions of an elitist membership dominated by the white glove crowd depicted in the iconic Grey Poupon Mustard ads. The men and women present and immersed in their hands-on work displayed a hardy respect for the 100 plus-year heritage of Rolls-Royce and Bentley automobiles including that featured in the fabled mid-century “Loudest thing is the clock” ads.

As I entered a workshop lined with vehicles representing a century of British engineering excellence, I had found Henry working on an open wheel roadster the likes of which I had never seen. It sported the Bentley Flying “B.”

Displaying an apparent Dry Lakes Racer/T-Bucket inspired visual execution and chassis number B46AK, this right-hand drive Bentley hot rod pleased the eye with a striking livery of a black passenger tub with saddle tan interior, black cycle fenders and silver aluminum bonnet. With Brooklands Type Racing Screens, leather hood straps and an athletic stance, this well conceived custom execution represented a consummate example of a breed of collectible Bentley, the modified Bentley “Special”.”

Starting life as what might be described as the entry level 1947 Bentley Mark VI, the Bentley Special concept came to life in the early 1960s. At that time, the poor quality sheet metal used in the early Post WWII Mark VI had almost universally fallen prey to the tin worm. In sharp contrast, owners found their Bentley Mark VI’s seriously deteriorated steel bodies to be mounted on rugged and reliable chassis with an equally capable drivetrain.

As a restored Mark VI did not possess a high value comparable to a Rolls-Royce Phantom or a Vintage Bentley, owners saw little merit in committing large sums of money to the restoration of a rusted hulk. However, the Mark VI did possess a rugged drivetrain and chassis pretty much regarded as bulletproof. The solution? Re-body and upgrade the remaining chassis to create a “Special” that reflected the personal tastes and interests of the individual who commissioned the restoration.

Woolf Barnato

Starting around 1963 in the UK, Bentley Specials became very popular. Many of the first re-creations emulated the vintage racing Bentley’s of the late 1920s and early 1930s. During that period Bentley had made its name in competitive motorsports with numerous victories including multiple wins in the 24-Hours of LeMans. At the same time, this period witnessed the heyday of adventuress part-time drivers, more sportsmen than professionals. They became known as gentlemen-drivers who would race their cars at the track and then drive the same cars home. Their ranks included Bentley drivers like Woolf Barnato, John Duff and Glen Kidston. These men, though not professional drivers, piloted Bentley’s to many impressive victories in the 1920s and 1930s earning them the name, the “Bentley Boys.”

Bentley “Specials” today offer non-professional drivers great enjoyment in vintage racing as well as rallies and tours. Utilizing open style bodywork and Bentley sourced performance upgrades, one prominent auction house states, “We admire these MK VI Specials, and think they best represent what a true British gentleman might create in lieu of an American hot rod.”

To get the real story behind the Museum’s chassis number B46AK Black Adder VI Special, Henry directed me to Mark Lizewskie, the Executive Director of both the Rolls-Royce Owner’s Club and the Rolls-Royce Foundation. Mark said, “As with all the vehicles in our collection this Special came to us as a donation. Presented to us by the married couple of author, military historian and decorated Special Forces veteran James Stejskal and Ms. Wanda Nesbit, a United States diplomat and career Foreign Service Officer. the Black Adder VI entered the collection in 2017.”

James Young Coupe bodied Mark VI

The record seemed to indicate that chassis number B46AK started life in 1947 as a James Young Coupe bodied Mark VI. The subsequent search for any records covering the next 25 years drew a blank. Fortunately its history resurfaced in the 1970s when Johnard Engineering, located in Blandford, Dorset UK, re-bodied B46AK as a Bentley Special. Johnard possessed considerable renown for the superior technical and aesthetic execution of its Bentley Specials. Elton John owned one and another finished 4th in class in the 1997 Peking to Paris Challenge.

The 21st century saw B46AK experience a second re-bodying by the late Victor Yordy of Metal Works in Dewart, Pennsylvania. Many regarded Yordy as an artist who at times would create new art in the form of an automobile. B46AK’s beauty extended beneath the skin with all mechanicals undergoing a comprehensive performance upgrade by the Rolls-Royce specialists Pierce Reid and Billings Cook at The Vintage Garage in Stowe, Vermont. Billed as purveyors of superlative engine rebuilding, mechanical restoration and service since 1963, the end result affirmed their reputation. And so, the Black Adder VI came to life. As reported in The Flying Lady, “ The Black Adder VI is a formidable performer, with 90+ mph available in third gear alone; no one is exactly sure what the top speed is on this car. Equally at home on the track or on the road. It is in outstanding condition and a formidable performer. In short it embodies everything a Bentley Special should be.” In 2015 it received a Touring Class award at the RROC Annual Meet.

Mark in describing some of the technical upgrades said, “As with all Specials it reflects the owner’s specific taste and preferences. Mark continued saying, “It’s certainly not original. And after all, that is the point of a Special.”

In enhancing the original Bentley 4.3-liter inline 6-cylinder, the Black Adder features an R-type Continental big valve head and highly desirable R-type Continental manual center shift gearbox. Mark added to the list saying, “It’s upgrades include disc brakes, larger SU carburetors and numerous drivetrain tweaks.”  As to the actual engine and performance specs, Mark says, “It has never been on a dyno. But, together with the engine upgrades and the significant weight reduction due to the open cockpit re-body, performance has improved significantly.” Interestingly no base performance figures exist as Rolls-Royce/ Bentley never would publish them. With true British reserve, the corporate answer to questions about horsepower and performance was, “Adequate.”

Now came the time to bring the Black Adder out to play. Climbing behind the wheel would be Foundation volunteer Alex Sharpe. Alex said his lean physique, comfort with the right-hand steering and the four-speed found him taking the Black Adder out with the greatest frequency.

Elaine, my partner in crime, would be taking the passenger seat for the test drive. She noted that the interior while very nicely trimmed did feel quite confining. She said, “The tiny doors provided minimal easing of entry. I am glad I do a lot of yoga otherwise getting in and out would be a challenge.” In referring to my size twelve feet she just shook her head and said, “No way.”

Alex agreed saying, “The cockpit itself is very tight. It’s very shallow at the end so your seating is much more constrained and the relationship between you and the steering wheel is much different than people are used to in a modern vehicle.” Alex continued saying, “You sit tall in the seat with the door top in line with your kidneys. That together with the fact that instead of having a conventional windshield you have the Brooklyn screens makes for a very open cockpit.

Twitchy might be the best word for Alex’s description of the Black Adder’s handling. B46AK’s close coupled design positions the driver just forward of the rear axle while, much like an XK120 (Alex owns and drives one), the front end feels a mile away. Alex said, “It can create a dynamic that produces over steer.” With a wry smile Alex laughed saying, “I have not pushed it to the point where I can confirm my suspicions. I like being a volunteer here.”

In closing, when asked for any other comment he would have on the experience of driving the Black Adder VI Bentley Special. Alex said, “I just can’t wait to get out there and enjoy it more.”

Apparently being snake bit is not always a bad thing.

By |2024-02-01T15:00:16+00:00February 1st, 2024|1 Comment
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