Cars We Love & Who We Are

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More than the polished parts and hard to find pieces, the special interest vehicles people collect embody the character of each owner. “Cars We Love & Who We Are” profiles individual special interest vehicles and the proud owner committed to its preservation.

Cars We Love & Who We Are # 30

My phone rings, and from the other end of the line (yes, I still have a land line) comes the voice of good friend and super car guy Bob Austin. “Would you be a judge at a concours event?” asks Bob. “Sure,” I reply and quickly follow with questions about who, where, what, etc. Bob replies that those details are fluid as this future event will be a first time event and presently stands as a work in progress. He explains that he has been asked to oversee creation of this newborn event’s maiden voyage. What could possibly go wrong? Plenty, if you take your eye off the ball. Planning the event would challenge Bob’s sharp eye.

Let’s create a Concours d’Elegance! OK…How?

Named the Concours on the Palisades, the event came to life inspired by the local father’s efforts to focus public awareness on all that downtown Fort Lee, NJ has to offer. For those not from the area, Fort Lee offers spectacular views of Manhattan from its perch atop the Palisades cliffs that overlook the Hudson River that flows hundreds of feet below. At the start of the 20th century Fort Lee served as home to the early film industry that would soon move to a place called Hollywood. It also anchors the New Jersey side of the George Washington Bridge. Save for major highways converging at the GW Bridge, Centuries old Fort Lee consists of predominantly two-lane streets.

Those with a memory for political theater may recall those predominantly two-lane streets were used to strangle the life out of, then, New Jersey Governor Chris Christy’s 2016 Presidential bid. At that time NJ state officials were accused of knowingly obstructing local traffic lanes going to the bridge at rush hour as revenge for a perceived political slight. The action choked commuter traffic back to the Delaware River (Yes, I am exaggerating but not much). Location for the Concours would be many of those same downtown streets. The Main Street, a quarter mile from the GW entrance, would be chock-a-block with classic and super cars for the concours. It, however, would be held on a Sunday.

James Liu, Bob Austin, Denis Glennon

The planning that went on in advance to make this work smoothly would fill volumes. The credit resides with Austin, the two founders of the event and Fort Lee Business District Board members Denis Glennon and James Liu, Tony Boniello who provided publicity through his Car & Caffe operation and a legion of enthusiastic and capable volunteers. To that should be added the Fort Lee Mayor Mark Sokolich who enthusiastically embraced the concours to the point of participating in the judging process and a local police force that actually appeared to savor their role in ensuring a free and easy flow of people and wonderful cars. Let’s just say it was done well by all involved.

All concours are not created the same. Some car enthusiasts believe that the rarified air of some exclusive events can muffle the joy that such a glorious celebration of automotive art and history should impart. Pebble Beach comes to mind.

Others events possess no aspirations for tony grandeur but seek an engaging celebration of automotive beauty and the culture of enthusiasts that keeps the history and visceral pleasure of classic automobiles alive and thriving.

Originators of Concours on the Palisades sought to attract a general public with an event that celebrated the automobile with a structure and format that elevated it above the casual and loose structure of a Cars and Coffee. Its intended format sought to provide an environment that attracted owners of very special automobiles to publicly display these special vehicles in a setting offering scrutiny and recognition by knowledgeable judges. As well, the concourse originators wanted to provide a day of automotive and artistic education and fun that would bring the attention of an interested public to the special qualities of the downtown Fort Lee setting.

A basic threshold that must be crossed in most cases to elevate an automotive gathering from a cruise to a concours is judging. Fundamentally two styles of judging prevail. The most meticulous judging criteria can be found at events that are dedicated to a single marquee such as Porsche, Corvette or Rolls-Royce. Here a point system created by a cohort of OCD afflicted marque maniacs with too much time on their hands (Only kidding) serve as the basis for judging a vehicle’s every nut and bolt for correctness and authenticity using a 200 or 300 point system. Every flaw results in a deduction from the 200 or 300 point perfect score. To merit a trophy an entrant must exceed a certain minimum score such as 90 percent. Exposing one’s vehicle to such scrutiny of every nook and cranny from engine bay through interior to trunk can border on the unpleasant.

A second form of judging and the one employed at Concours on the Palisades originated in France in the 1700s and, appropriately enough, bears the name “French Rules.”

How you may ask could a system for judging automobiles originate two centuries before the car arrived. While 17th century French society lacked automobiles it had a wealth of fancy carriages. The first Concours d’Elegance took place in large part along the Seine River on Sundays. Here the wealthy would take their families out in their horse drawn carriage to picnic. Each, for the most part, would have a very nice horse, a handsome carriage, a lovely blanket and a very nice picnic set. As people then, as now, tend to compare, families would make an effort to have a horse, carriage, blanket and picnic set a bit nicer than the next family. One can almost sense the inevitable momentum of the one-upmanship that ultimately evolved to where prizes were awarded for the best horse and carriage and so on. It got to the point that how the children were dressed counted. Kids must have loved that.

Thus, French rules do not focus on nuts, bolts, authenticity and perfection. The emphasis resides on a vehicle’s overall visual impact as defined by the car’s style, beauty, elegance and presentation. A good story also adds value. The essence of the judging guidelines called for assessing the emotional response experienced by the judge himself. The wrong hose clamp? Not an issue. The hood stayed closed so engine detailing did not matter. Overall visual impact moved the needle. If the car’s appearance moved a judge to feel that, more than any other car in this class, he would want this car in his garage then this car went to the top of his list.

In advance, all judges had been instructed that their number one responsibility demanded that they be a goodwill ambassador for the event. In addition to their scrutineering responsibilities, each judge would introduce himself by name to the car owner, be friendly, ask for the story behind the car and thank the owner for bringing the car to make this concours possible.

At the end of the day the results rewarded all involved. The classes established for the concours differed from convention but different does not mean incorrect. Classes were based on country of origin.

Dick Santucci accepts Best of Show trophy for his 1954 XK120 Jaguar

A notable air of appreciation for the event itself permeated the owner’s ranks and those who comprised the admiring crowds. The only thing beyond the control of organizers was the weather. Just as the awards presentation began the skies opened up. Cars get wet, they survive. Winners receiving a beautiful crystal award could not have their spirits dampened. Though the two-foot tall “Best of Show” loving cup trophy won by Dick Santucci and his 1954 Jaguar XK120 roadster filled with rain water Santucci smiled with the grin of a man whose cup runneth over.

Link to video of 2022 Concours on the Palisades

By |2022-08-03T17:22:38+00:00August 3rd, 2022|Comments Off on Cars We Love & Who We Are # 30

Cars We Love & Who We Are #29

Miles Collier, writing in the August 2022 issue of Sports Car Market spoke to his belief that “the restoration of a car either produces an archetype that embodies the standard characteristics of that vehicle or a portrait that serves as an evocation of someone or something, that attempts to capture the essence of that someone or something.”

Collier states, “The restoration process always transforms, even destroys the past, if only by severing the car’s most important relationship, its connection to the selfsame and irrecoverable past.” He believes that the end result, no matter how meticulous and faithful the effort, will achieve no more than an approximation of the automobile’s lost reality.

His point is that the evidence of human stories engraved in the material fabric of the car makes it an emotional and powerful historical artifact that honors the car’s relationship to time and use.

His words made me reflect on the 1961 Corvette I have owned since 1967 and retained as original until a restoration necessitated by a fire in 2017.

The following looks at the restoration effort of my Corvette in the light of Miles Collier’s beliefs.

To provide a sense of the Corvette’s accrued life, times and use that translated into my, then, unrestored Corvette’s rich patina, I will begin with a piece I wrote for Hemmings to celebrate my 50th year of ownership.

 Applying Miles Collier’s archetype versus portrait conventions in assessing the restoration of my 1961 Corvette


Summer 1967 witnessed the Beatles joining Sergeant Pepper’s Band and marching off the touring circuit for good at the same time that 100,000 hippies descended on San Francisco for the “Summer of Love.” It may have been ’67 but I would experience it like Route 66.

Still a teenager, my summer of ‘67 was to be an American Graffiti experience rich with Jersey Shore adventures and cruising main streets across Bergen County and beyond.

My sophomore year at Newark College of Engineering, now NJIT, was in the books and the bill for first semester of my junior year fast approached. Tuition for the next semester loomed as the princely sum of $220.

With my sister Dorothy in 1967

Having just sold my 1959 MGA for $325, I was working hard at two jobs because I wanted to buy a Corvette as well as pay for school.

The ad in the local paper read “1961 Corvette, Honduras Maroon with white cove, 283 with dual quads.” The classified now tossed to the kitchen table was still warm from my touch as I hit the road for Bloomfield, New Jersey. I was not disappointed. There it stood, strong and clean. A brief conversation revealed that it had been sold, but was again available because the previous buyer could not swing the bank loan. $1300 was a lot of money in 1967. I had $1200. Never-the-less I committed to returning the next day with the cash. Over the subsequent 24 hours I sold anything I had of value including my once treasured Lionel train set that filled my basement. At final accounting I had supplemented my bank roll by $125. I bought it.

Unthinkable now, but in 1967 on Saturday nights, youthful drivers across America in cars of every description would cruise around the center of town. Summer nights witnessed an unbroken string of cars that slowly crept along downtown main streets. A hormone laced dance of cars, flirting glances and laughter, it played out against a backdrop of deep throated Detroit iron and the aroma of engines running rich on Sunoco high test. I loved it.

This great horsepower driven rite of passage inspired iconic American rock groups like the Beach Boys to memorialize it in song and Spielberg and Lucas to put it in movie theaters with American Graffiti.

Corvette gets its Keystone mags in 1968

Main streets seemed to be filled with guys congregating on corners and girls strolling to nowhere in particular. Guys would drive around and, if they saw a couple of girls they liked walking down the main drag, there would be an invitation to go for a ride. The response would often be a giggling yes. Again unthinkable today.

While my Corvette only had two seats, I could fit four people as long as at least two of them were pretty girls.

Years passed and the early 70s saw me return to graduate school. A lasting memory finds me alone and cruising along Route 81 north of Binghamton, New York bound for Syracuse University, my future alma mater. The Chevy small block smoothly rumbled at speed. Midnight approached. Wind danced through the open cockpit. A starry summer sky hung like rich black velvet populated with diamonds twinkling in a jeweler’s case. A full moon poured moody light upon the sleeping village in the valley below. Cruising at 70, I climbed a high banking turn where the valley floor quickly fell away. For me that frozen moment in time captured a peace and sweet loneliness that connected with me in a way that freed me from ever again wondering why I so loved the open road.

With nephew Michael in 1975

Upon returning from graduate school, I discovered that my nephew Michael, age three, had taken a fancy to the Corvette. My sister said yes, he could go for a ride, but only if I installed a seat belt for him. Forty-three years later the car still has the one seatbelt. Michael now lives in North Carolina with children of his own.

Life like a road has rough spots. My father was a life-long smoker and car guy. I picked up one appetite not the other. We would work on the Corvette together. Swearing and laughing. It served both of us well.

By 1980 emphysema had robbed him of his ability to breath. His heart beat strong but his lungs were gone. He was taken to Holy Name Hospital to address what could be done to ease his passing. The time came when all that could be done was accomplished. He would go home. While the nurses recommended arranging for an ambulance to take him home. I said no. I hooked up an oxygen system in the Corvette. When they wheeled him to the hospital entrance the Corvette was waiting to take him for one last ride.

With nephew Michael and his son Michael in 2019

1994 found my mother who had nurtured my appreciation for great books and a love of history suffering from the mental ravages of Alzheimer’s disease. When I would visit her at a care facility, as I frequently did, her affliction had reached the point where her recognition of me would drift in and out. I learned a lot about Alzheimer’s during that time. One thing was that memory does not deteriorate uniformly. I would wheel her out to the facility parking lot on sunny days and bring her by the familiar Corvette. I would open the passenger door and sit on the sill facing her in her wheelchair. Sitting there under blue skies old memories would flash across her face like short lived sparks and disappear. My mother would smile.

As time passes I find that others with cars and stories gravitate to like souls. In recent years a number of friends gather on early Sunday mornings a few times a year at the International Crossroads in Mahwah, NJ. We call it the “Classic Car Dust Off Breakfast Run.” We pick a diner somewhere within 50 miles and embark on a traveling car show.

I am blessed that these are the best days of my life. And come July, I will celebrate 50 years of history with a numbers matching Corvette that remains original after more than one quarter of a million miles and continues to make memories.

2017, at least for me, will be another summer of love.


…And now it is 2022

With Jeff Buchak who carried out the restoration. 2018

Now 5-years hence, fire damage in September of 2017 would result in a complete restoration. Details of the restoration have been chronicled in the September 2019 issue of Hemmings Muscle Machines.

In differentiating between Collier’s choice of archetype or portrait, I believe my restoration effort walks a slim line straddling both. In doing so I acknowledge that my restoration effort, in seeking to retain elements directly associated with the use experienced and the passage of time, incorporates original components that fall short of showroom “archetype” condition. I deem that a plus not a negative.

My goal in executing the restoration was three-fold. I wanted to preserve my Corvette’s ability to afford the driver a time machine by informing their driving experience with the qualities of that period of automotive history. So, no restomod for me, thank you.

Secondly, for those friends and family members who knew and shared my history, I strived for a way to connect with the energy of that driving and living experience to instill a feeling for that history for those who shared in it.

Finally the car needed to be right. By that I meaning functional in a way that communicated a driving experience that possessed authenticity.

The door panels that have been touched by every meaningful person in my life since I have been a teenager remain in place. The sill plate where I sat to capture fleeting memories with my mother retains its original place of honor. Trim pieces that have reflected the passing scene of every drive I have ever taken continue to do so. The door handle my father pressed down when departing from his last drive continues to function nobly without complaint. The Wonderbar radio that reported the passing of history and any music available on an AM channel sits functional as it has since the day it left the showroom. The Goldwater-Miller presidential campaign button has been left where it was found with the spare tire .

On the other hand, The history recorded in the scars and abrasions of the slings, arrows and dings of outrageous happenstance have all been swept away by a superior prep and paint process. So the paint scar earned through years of hard top use is left to memory as is the gash left by the mishandling of the hard top by a past girlfriend who was “helping” me. To that list belongs paint worn off by decades of polishing, the many scars acquired in decades of open water transport on Martha’s Vineyard ferries and the meteor shower of road debris kicked up over a period spanning the administrations of ten United States Presidents. While all the scars are but a memory the color itself, though not the chemistry producing it, exhibits an amazing fidelity to the original Honduras Maroon.

Collier’s perspective on the desirable qualities guiding a restoration speaks approvingly of a process that honors the automobile’s relationship to time and use. And, in the rare instance of a long period of single ownership, I would add, the life shared with the owner.



By |2022-07-07T11:58:39+00:00July 7th, 2022|6 Comments

Cars We Love & Who We Are #28

What matters? As a culture what objects should we, as Americans, care about enough to protect? What should be recognized as a defining element of our culture’s evolution worthy of recognition and preservation? In 1966 by an act of Congress, the Federal Government established the National Register of Historic Places. This act authorized creation of an official list of historic places in America worthy of documentation and preservation. Today, the list includes almost 100,000 properties  comprised of buildings, sites, districts, structures, and objects, but no automobiles.

No automobiles!!! What single object has played a greater role in the evolution of American culture than the automobile?

This glaring oversight received remedy in 2013 with creation of the National Historic Vehicle Register (NHVR)through the collaboration of the U.S. Department of Interior, the Heritage Documentation Programs, the Library of Congress and the Historic Vehicle Association (Recently renamed the Hagerty Drivers Foundation, HDF). Tasked with the recognition and documentation of the most historically significant automobiles, motorcycles, trucks and commercial vehicles in America’s past, the NHVR faces a daunting task. As of today 32 vehicles have been honored with recognition.

Let’s take a look at what makes them so special.

Judged the 32 most historically significant cars in America. Do you agree?


How to pick the vehicles that matter most? Right off the bat inclusion does not necessarily require the vehicle to be the best of its breed.

NHVR has established four defining criteria that affords eligibility to the register. A vehicle only has to meet one of the criteria to be considered eligible for entry.


1.The vehicle must be associated with a meaningful trend in American automotive history or culture or a significant event or events.

2. The vehicle is associated with the life or lives of a person or persons who played a significant role in American history or culture.

3. The vehicle must achieve distinction based on design, engineering, craftsmanship or aesthetic value.

4. A vehicle of a particular type that was the first one produced, the last one produced, is a rare or the sole example or is among the most well-preserved or authentically restored surviving examples.

These four criteria go a long way in making sense of what could otherwise be a list possessing considerable mystery. It certainly can provide clarity in explaining why your pristine 1967 427 Corvette is doubtful to make the cut but a 1964½ Mustang coupe with a straight six, automatic transmission and the lowest VIN# known would seem to be a lock.

Diane Parker, Vice President of the Historic Vehicle Association, speaking in 2019 said, “The National Historic Vehicle Register was created to fill a gap in our history. As you can imagine, we have a little bit of catching up to do,” Parker said. “There are over 2500 makes of vehicles out there, but we’re going to do this one vehicle at a time. For us, the National Historic Vehicle Register isn’t our mission, it’s our passion—it’s our purpose.”

Once selected, a chosen vehicle experiences a breathtaking level of documentation to assure that every attribute will be available to scrutinize for future generations.

A significant benefit to that goal resulted from an extraordinary act of selfless generosity in support of the NHVR that would save countless hours and dollars.

Documentation demands a venue affording an extraordinary level of technical sophistication and cleanliness in a spacious environment. At the outset, documenting the first few cars demanded finding a warehouse or studio near the subject vehicle to which all necessary equipment had to be transported. Realize that meant transporting and setting up all the equipment to conduct the photography, photogrammetry (the science of obtaining reliable information about physical objects by recording, measuring, and interpreting using noncontact sensor systems), 3D scanning and videography. Needless to say the need for such mobility posed an arduous and expensive task.

Now comes the generosity. When hearing of this logistical nightmare Nikola Bulgari, founder of the NB Center for American Automotive Heritage in Allentown, PA, simply said, “Do it here at the N-B Center. We will build a permanent studio with the all the technology hardwired in and positioned.” From then on it was game on.

As of today these 32 Vehicles have been selected for inclusion in the NHVR list. Do you agree?

1964 Shelby Cobra Daytona Coupe

The initial entry to the NHVR, the Daytona Coupe touched every base for criteria meriting selection . Created by Carroll Shelby, designed by Peter Brock, this, the first Daytona Coupe, powered by a 289 cu. in. Ford V8 delivering 375 horsepower was capable of speeds over 180 mph. Known as the CSX2287, it stands tall in the pantheon of most significant American vehicles in history. In 1965 in winning an FIA-sanctioned international series, this Daytona Coupe made a major mark in US automotive history.

1964 Meyers Manx “Old Red”

Built by legend Bruce Meyers, “Old Red” was the first fiberglass dune buggy and the prototype rear-engine VW powered Meyers Manx that inspired the dune buggy craze. While Meyers built roughly 7000 Meyers Manx dune buggies it inspired over 250,000 copies making it the most replicated car in history.



1938 Maserati 8CTF “Boyle Special”

The most successful car to ever compete at the Indianapolis 500 race, the Boyle Special with its two wins, two third places, and one fourth place in a racing career that spanned the late 1930s to 1953 established its exalted place in American racing lore.



1918 Cadillac Type 57

The only remaining passenger car that served in WWI in France. Steeped in historic value and wartime service this 1918 Cadillac saw extensive use across war-torn battlefields of Europe while driven in support of The American Expeditionary Force by its owner and YMCA volunteer Rev. John Hopkins Dennison.


1947 Tucker 48 Prototype

Created by Preston Tucker, the Tucker, certainly holds a brief but outstanding place in American automotive history and design. Though only 51 cars would be produced, the Tucker’s impact on the automobile industry, automobile innovation and automobile lore far exceeded its limited life.



1940 GM Futurliner

GM launched the Parade of Progress in 1936 to promote the scientific and technological achievements of America as part of a traveling educational show. The Parade of Progress featured three distinct “tours” from 1936 to 1956. This is one of twelve Futurliners created in 1940 for the second tour of the Parade of Progress. All Futurliners served as transport trucks and display stages for the exhibits.



1954 Mercedes-Benz 300SL

Brain child of Max Hoffman, notoriously aggravating but savvy, distributor of Mercedes-Benz automobiles in the 1950s, the very expensive 160 mph 300SL offered a road-going sports car based on the Mercedes-Benz W194 race car. It achieved its goal of targeting the U.S. market with over 80% of Gullwing production was sold in America. Clearly Max got this one right. Today it remains one of the most desirable classic cars in the world


1940 Ford Pilot Model “Jeep”

In 1937, with clouds of war forming, the US Army invited bids on designing a quarter-ton lightweight utility vehicle. Manufacturers were invited to submit prototypes to meet the Army’s specifications. Ford, American Bantam, and Willys-Overland were left standing for the final cut and were charged with producing more prototypes for further evaluation.

Willys-Overland would actually win the Army contract but, due to the needs for a lot of jeeps to be produced quickly, Ford with its superior production capabilities was awarded the contract to produce the Willys-Overland design. The critical role played by the rugged jeep in WWII is now legend.

1909 White Model M Steam Car

As 27th President of the United States, William Taft possessed a great interest in automobiles. He converted some White House stables into a four-car garage which held an electric vehicle, two Pierce-Arrows and this White Model “M” Steamer. Recognized as the first Presidential Limousine, it is the only remaining car used by Taft.



1962 Willys CJ-6

This 1962 CJ-6 was the personal vehicle of Ronald Reagan, 40th President of the United States. He favored its use at his 688-acre ranch near Santa Barbara, California. While not a favorite of Nancy’s, Ron loved using the scruffy red jeep for heavy duty ranch work. Due to Reagan’s declining health the CJ-6 was sold to the Young America’s Foundation in 1995.




1911 Marmon Wasp

Winner of the first Indianapolis 500 in 1911, the Marmon Wasp driven by Ray Harroun averaged a speed of 74 mph with the whole race taking about 6 hours and 42 minutes. Aside from winning the first running of a great historic race it also features the first documented use of a rear-view mirror on a race car.



1907 Thomas Flyer 4-60

This Thomas Flyer won the 1908 New York to Paris Automobile Race. In traveling over 22,000 miles in 169 days, it is one of only three of the six competitors that completed the competition and was the only American car entered. Its margin of victory over the second place finisher was 26 days. The victory drew great attention to the early American automobile industry and world-wide recognition to America.




1920 Anderson Convertible Roadster

In the age of Detroit dominance in automobile manufacturing, Anderson stood out as a  manufacturers based in the South. Between 1916 and 1925 Anderson produced over 5,000 cars in Rock Hill, South Carolina with the aim of attracting local buyers.

With few examples of Anderson products existing today, this is believed to be the sole surviving example of the Convertible Roadster design. It’s patented design which allowed it to switch between two or five-seater configurations, along with its rarity, made it a prime candidate for register inclusion.


1938 Buick Y-Job

Until the Buick Y-Job, auto shows never featured concept cars. The Buick Y-Job was the first. Styled by the famous GM head of design Harley Earl, the Y-Job sought to create a design language for future Buicks.

Possessing power-operated hidden headlights, electric windows, and wrap around bumpers the Y-Job bristled with features, concepts and executions that would inspire automobile designers for years. It also paved the way for the legion of concept cars to come. A fully functional vehicle, it would be driven by Earl for many years.

1967 Chevrolet Camaro

In responding to the dynamic success of the Ford Mustang, Chevrolet worked quietly on a response that in itself would significantly impact the pony car market. Released in August of 1966, the Camaro began a storied and highly successful career. After being left to deteriorate, this Camaro was identified as the very first model to be produced and subsequently enjoyed a total restoration returned it to its original condition.



1932 Ford Model V8

A landmark execution of that established the benchmark  for the hot rod as a stripped down V8-powered Ford roadster. The creation of Bob McGee who upon returning from serving in WWII returned to his first love, hot rodding. This definitive example of a trend setting concept took a 1932 Ford roadster and transformed it by cutting and shaving the bodywork, lowering the suspension, upgrading the engine, installing custom upholstery and treating it to a custom red paint job.


1951 Mercury

Masato Hirohata returned from the U.S. Navy in 1952 and let Barris Kustoms of Los Angeles loose to pursue their passion in what he wanted to be the world’s wildest custom Mercury Coupe. Chopped and dropped to the ground  with extraordinary and meticulously executed  design details and outrageous paint this coupe continues to wow people 70 years later. The Hirohata Merc won ‘best in class’ for custom Mercurys at the 2015 Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance.


1964 Chevrolet Impala

Capturing the creative vision of the late Jesse Valadez this 1964 Impala stands as the gold standard for the low rider community that originated in Los Angeles in the early 1970s. This example is the third of three cars built by Valadez and named Gypsy Rose. Over 20 gallons of clear lacquer cover the candy red and pink paintwork. Hundreds of rose details create a unique exterior. A crushed velvet interior, complete with cocktail bar and chandelier round out this one of a kind featured on just about every custom car magazine of its time.

1933 Graham 8 Sedan “Blue Streak”

A significantly transformative design, the Graham Blue Streak ,released in 1932, incorporated streamlined styling featuring a laid-back grille, innovative chassis design, body-colored headlights, wrap around “skirted” fenders, pearlescent paint and a totally concealed frame. So obviously appealing, these design features were quickly adopted by other manufacturers. By 1933 Graham advertised the “Blue Streak” as the most imitated car on the road.


1896 Benton Harbor Motor Carriage

The Benton Harbor is significant as one of the oldest intact automobiles built in the United States. The Benton Harbor Motor Carriage or “motocycle” was designed and built by Albert and Lewis  Baushke of Benton Harbor, MI, owners of Baushke Carriage Works, and William O. Worth, an engine builder and inventor from Chicago, IL.



1968 Ford Mustang

The long lost 1968 Mustang fastback driven by Steve McQueen in the movie Bullitt. What more needs to be said?


1985 Modena Spyder

This Ferrari 250 GT California replica was made famous for its starring role in the 1986 film “ Ferris Bueler’s Day Off.” Like the Bullitt Mustang, what more needs to be said?


1927 Ford Model T

This is the fifteen-millionth and final Ford Model T to be produced, this car rolled off the revolutionary assembly line driven by Henry Ford himself in 1927.




1984 Plymouth Voyager

As the first car-derived minivan the Plymouth Voyager and its sister Dodge Caravan literally created a new class of automobile that transformed consumer tastes and the car business. American families no longer had to rely on giant station wagons for transport.

This particular Plymouth Voyager was the first to roll off the assembly line and was kept in its original condition by Chrysler Corporation.


1969 Chevrolet Corvette

In 1961, General Motors piggybacking on the popularity of astronauts worked with Jim Rathmann Chevrolet on a leasing program for the astronauts – lease a Chevrolet of any type (including Corvettes) for $1/year. Most astronauts preferred the Corvette.

By 1969 the third group of astronauts now with the Apollo program were landing on the moon. In 1968 the trio for Apollo 12 astronauts Alan Bean, Pete Conrad and Dick Gordon leased a matching trio of 1969 Corvette Coupes. Each was Riverside gold with custom black “wings.” By appearing on the cover of Life magazine, these became the most famous of the “astronaut” Corvettes.

1966 Volkswagen Transporter

This VW Transporter was the property of civil rights pioneer Esau Jenkins and his wife Janie B. Jenkins in Charleston, South Carolina. Successful business owners and parents of 13 children, the Jenkins became leaders in their community. Throughout their lives, they strove to better the economic, cultural, and political situation of African Americans on Johns Island and the surrounding area.

In approximately 1967, Esau purchased this used 1966 Volkswagen microbus. It was utilized by the Jenkins as their primary means of transportation and to support their various initiatives where it became a fixture in the Charleston area.

1921 Duesenberg Straight Eight

Up until 1919 the Duesenberg brothers focused on engineering excellence and racing. At that point they decided to expand into production of passenger cars. In 1919 Samuel Northup Castle placed an order for a Duesenberg Straight Eight and, thus, was destined to  become the first owner of a Duesenberg passenger car when he took delivery of his Straight Eight in 1921. Technically advance far beyond its competitors, this is the first Duesenberg passenger car.


1970 Dodge Challenger

In 1969, 27-year-old, combat veteran, Purple Heart recipient and Detroit Police Officer, Godfrey Qualls special ordered this 1970 Hemi Challenger. Qualls pretty much checked all the options boxes and Special Edition (SE) packages including a 426 HEMI engine, “Super Track Pak” with four-speed manual transmission, shifted via a floor mounted Hurst pistol grip sending power to a Sure-Grip Dana 60 with 4.10 gears. Known as the “Black Ghost” because he would seemingly vanish for months after making a few runs on Woodward, Telegraph or Stecker St., Qualls was rarely bested in his street racing days.


1981 DeLorean DMC-12

Doc Brown’s time machine in the 1985 hit film “Back to the Future.” Again what more needs to be said?


1979 Lamborghini Countach

Poster art for just about every kid of that period, this 1979 Lamborghini Countach LP400 S, represents generations of car enthusiasts’ passion for speed and the open road. Introduced in 1971, the radical mid-engined exotic Countach fired the starting gun for the race to produce the ultimate super car just when, counter intuitively, economy and practicality were coming into vogue.

This particular Countach gained fame in the 1981 film “The Cannonball Run.”


1963 Chrysler Turbine Car

The Chrysler Turbine Car featured a turbine jet engine housed in a Ghia body and was the latest iteration in Chrysler’s decades-long attempt to bring a turbine-powered car to the market. Fifty of the 55 original cars wearing identical metallic bronze paint, black vinyl roof, and bronze interior—were distributed to households in the U.S. as part of a consumer research project. The results were promising, but the cost to mass produce the vehicles was not.


1952 Hudson Hornet

From 1951–55, Hudson dominated stock-car racing just as the sport was beginning to take off. This one, prepared by legendary mechanic Smokey Yunick went to the track in the 1952 season. This Hudson is the only NASCAR-raced Hornet known to exist.




If asked my opinion for vehicles worthy of inclusion in the NHVR my two additions would be:

1949 – 1954 Jaguar XK120

While the MG introduced sports cars to service men, It was the sexy and fast Jaguar XK120 that offered a beautiful car for a date on Saturday and a performance car that could be driven to the track where it could win on Sunday, all in one. Its beauty appealed to those with money and its affordable was very attractive to those who wanted to race.



1966 Volvo P1800

Irv Gordon’s 1966 Volvo P1800 that the Long Island School Teacher bought new covered well over an honest 3,000,000 miles with Irv at the wheel during a period of 52 years till he passed away in 2018. Irv and his P1800 was an advertising God send for Volvo and its story of Volvo durability was known around the world.

By |2022-06-09T15:06:02+00:00June 9th, 2022|6 Comments

Cars We Love & Who We Are #27

It just seemed too good to be true. The event, to be conducted at the NB Center for American Automotive Heritage in Allentown, PA in April of 2019 would pack three-days with a rich mix of high quality historic vehicle themed presentations, live activities and behind the wheel vintage vehicle driving events. Attendees would include curators from world renowned automotive museums, university professors focusing on historic preservation and keepers of the vintage automobile flame from around the globe. Objectives of the conference stood out as refreshingly simple, engage, teach, learn and have fun.

With the concept and execution polished over the prior two years this third year promised to bring to fruition the total experience organizers had envisioned. As a long time member of the Society of Automotive Historians I was eligible to attend. This third year would be special. However, just how special would be impossible to foresee.

The amazing Third (and final?) International Drive History Conference

Hagerty automotive heritage dream conference. Gone for good?

1910 Packard

A buzz of excitement built as attendees from both sides of the Atlantic filed through the NB Welcome Center better known as The Lodge.  This handsome structure communicated a feeling of handcrafted rough hewn elegance. Constructed of stone and wood reclaimed from dismantled farm structures from the surrounding area, it embodied the preservationist character and philosophy that ran deep through the NB Center and in the heart of the host for this extraordinary gathering, Mr. Nikola Bulgari. Indeed, the NB in the NB Center’s name stands for Nikola Bulgari. He of the famous Bulgari Jewelry family.

The Lodge

In 2017 Mr. Bulgari a passionate advocate for preservation of 20th century American automotive history, joined with the Hagerty supported Historic Vehicle Association, The Society of Automotive Historians and the College of Charleston to launch the International Drive History conference concept. For the conference site Mr. Bulgari generously provided the perfect home, his beautifully manicured 27-acre NB Center grounds. His facility included a dedicated track, fully restored drive-in theater and a campus that served as home to workshops capable of executing the highest level of restoration, fabrication and refurbishment. Only a few years back Mr. Bulgari had resurrected this property after it had languished for years as a trash strewn abandoned drive-in theater in Allentown, Pennsylvania. The story behind the NB center offers a wonderful tale of the magic that can be conjured at the intersection of serendipity, talent and passion. The International Conference concept, represents one of the many meaningful creations resulting from Mr. Bulgari’s preservationist vision. Mr. Bulgari’s vision extends to focusing the magnetic draw of the NB Center and his car collection as a powerful tool to promote fund raising events for worthy causes.

NB Center, 27 acres

Gathering for the welcome breakfast at the Historic Vehicle Association National Laboratory housed at the NB Center, attendees walked about among examples of the 24 (as 2019, more have been added since) culturally significant vehicles that had been recognized by their inclusion in the National Historic Vehicle Register. The Tucker Torpedo hand built prototype, Ferris Bueller’s faux Ferrari, the 1964 Shelby Cobra Daytona Coupe designed by Peter Brock, a 1918 Cadillac Type 57 (the only remaining passenger car that served in WWI in France), all represented the automotive history that the men and women in attendance work so hard to preserve and promote as fundamental to understanding the American automobile culture of the 20th Century. The wonderful story of the National Historic Vehicle Register will be featured in an upcoming Drivin’ News feature.

Mingling among the attendees making new acquaintances and rekindling old friendships strolled guest speakers Nicola Bulgari, Dr. Fred Simeone, Ed Welburn and McKeel Hagerty. A sample of presenters scheduled to speak on topics specific to vintage automobile history and preservation included senior representatives of The Henry Ford Museum, GM Design Center, Hemmings Motor News, National Corvette Museum, Indianapolis Motor speedway Museum, The Studebaker National Museum and professors from 10 colleges and universities including Stanford and Bucknell. An extraordinary wealth of knowledge all sharing a preservationist mindset filled the room. And then the fun began as attendees walked out into a sunny and brisk April morning.

Stephen Babinsky and 1910 Packard

There, cars from the 20th century dating from the early teens through the 1960s stood idling by the NB center’s driving track poised to begin the day for conference attendees in a most extraordinary way. Here, participants would have the opportunity to drive these beautifully restored time machines primarily sourced from the Bulgari Collection.While Mr. Bulgari is known to save his greatest fondness for Buicks, an affection that dates back to his childhood in post-WWII Italy, he has preserved a broad spectrum of 20th century American makes and models.

Mr. Bulgari cheering on happy drivers

In 2019 Bulgari’s Allentown Collection numbered around 150 vehicles, predominantly American cars from the 30s, 40s and 50s. Very possibly the most astounding aspect of his collection resides in the nature of the vehicles upon which he has bestowed his loving stewardship. His interest does not focus on the Olympian cars of the past such as Duesenbergs, Packards, Cadillacs and others favored by the wealthy. He knows they have their patrons and will be preserved. Mr. Bulgari has trained his attention on the everyday vehicles that populated the general public’s experience during their mid-20th century lives. He believes that preserving these once, but no longer, common place and affordable cars from yesteryear serves a critical role in understanding the profound

Keith Flickinger in upholstery shop

impact of the common place automobile on everyday American life of the period.

Stunning proof of Mr. Bulgari’s deep conviction to preserve these once common and now rare vehicles in their original condition evidences itself in the comprehensive restoration complex located at the NB Center. Every detail benefits from the highest quality restoration. For example, a 1940 Hudson with a value of roughly $40,000 for the best one in the world could receive a $200,000 restoration. This might entail finding a manufacturer somewhere in the world that could accurately replicate the original cloth covering the door panels. At the NB Center’s restoration campus money does not halt the pursuit of originality.

Fidelity to the original construction reigns supreme. As an example, the wood and joints in the roof of a 1934 Nash Brougham under restoration has to be a perfect match to the original even though, once covered by the headliner, the structure will never be seen.

Once restored, Bulgari’s cars benefit from constant monitoring, maintenance and track time. After being driven every car enjoys a thorough inspection. Periodically every engine has its oil subjected to testing for contaminants that would indicate unacceptable engine wear.

1917 Pierce-Arrow

It should be mentioned that the whole restoration operation benefits from the brilliant and personal oversight of two brothers, Keith and Kris Flickinger. Starting with Keith in 1995 both have earned Mr. Bulgari’s complete and total confidence. Both brothers possess the full spectrum of technical skills to carry out superior restorations and an easy communication style allowing them to educate visitors in a clear and entertaining fashion as to exactly what they and their roughly dozen elite craftsman do.

On this brisk April morning an array of meticulously restored vehicles awaited eager drivers lined up for pretty much a once in a lifetime opportunity. From a 1910 Packard Runabout, a

1929 Lincoln

1917 Pierce-Arrow, through a 1930 Lincoln, a 1936 Plymouth, a 1940 Buick convertible up through a 1950 Oldsmobile convertible and many others provided a visual banquet and a rolling and deliciously interactive automobile history lesson on the first half of the 20th century.

Leaving the driving experience behind, participants enjoyed strolling through the pristine Collection Buildings holding the immaculate vehicles comprising the Bulgari Collection. Over the next two days an information rich menu of presentations were offered on two parallel tracks from which participants could choose to tailor the conference offerings to their personal interests. Track one focused on Preservation and Conservation. Track two featured subjects specific to Documentation and Interpretation.

A sampling of topics included:

1950 Oldsmobile

  • A round table discussion on Design, engineering and Performance with Mr. Bulgari, Dr. Fred Simeone founder of the Simeone Museum and Ed Welburn retired GM Vice President of Global Design.
  • Diane Parker, Vice President of the Historic Vehicle Association presenting the Civil Rights story behind the inclusion of a 1966 VW Type 2 T1 Microbus in the National Historic Vehicle Register.
  • Guest Speaker McKeel Hagerty
  • Simeone and Jonathan Sierakowski explaining the intricacies of Vehicle Provenance: Investigation, verification, how and why.
  • Preservation of the original Tucker
  • GM Heritage Center Preservation Practices
  • Interpreting the automobile in history- a group discussion featuring senior representatives from:
    • The Henry Ford Museum
    • National Corvette Museum
    • Indianapolis Motor Speedway Museum
    • Studebaker National Museum
    • Boyertown Museum

The International Drive History Conference represented a glorious success on so many levels. Like minded and well informed car enthusiasts enjoyed a content rich environment within which they could meet and benefit from others in attendance.

LeSabre hot laps

Possibly the most striking experience in which I participated occurred after the end of the formal conference. Having lingered a bit, I made my way across the track to my car when I realized that a number of staff members and Mr. Bulgari had cars out on the track doing hot laps. Yes hot laps in a 1950s Nash-Healey, a 1955 Chrysler 300, and yes, the 1951 GM Le Sabre Concept Car among others. What glorious fun. Laughter, smiles, good vibes the smell of tortured tire treads and screaming vintage engines reclaiming the joy experienced decades ago. All present seemed imbued with an infectious innocence. And then Covid came to town. With it came cancellation of the 4th Conference in 2020. Much the same story cancelled years 2021 and 2022.

During this time of change Hagerty has been ensnared (possibly the choice of words betrays feelings of concern held by some in the classic car community for what has been the Hagerty gold standard) by the Wall Street SPAC financial engineers. Hagerty has gone public.

In researching this story I found that the HVA has subsequently gone away. It has been replaced by the Hagerty Driving Foundation (HDF). My hope falls into the “A rose by any other name smells as sweet” category.

That said, In researching the HDF site, I found no mention of the International Drive History Conference concept. I followed up on my concern with a respected and knowledgeable friend in the industry. Based on his remarks it seemed evident to me that I may have experienced the best and sadly the last International Drive History Conference. I hope I am mistaken.

A small but respected automobile enthusiast conference promoting learning, preservation and excellence should not be thrown aside. It deserves a place in the HDF business plan. Hagerty always seemed to get it. I hope HDF still draws from its Hagerty roots. I have no reason to believe otherwise, yet.

By |2022-05-27T16:57:24+00:00May 26th, 2022|Comments Off on Cars We Love & Who We Are #27

Cars We Love & Who We are #26

A few years back while speaking with my good friend Bob Austin the topic of his brother’s unique sports car came up. He explained that his brother Rick’s 1964 Devin C, purchased in 1973, represented one of literally a handful of custom performance cars made by a man named Bill Devin. When Bob shared a photo of his brother’s car, I realized that I knew that car. I had seen it parked on the main street of Teaneck, New Jersey over 40 years ago and never forgot it. Clearly a Devin’s bantam weight and sporting character had left a lasting memory.

Now, to celebrate the fast approaching 50th anniversary of Rick Austin’s continued Devin ownership, the story of Rick and his Devin C.

A Devin’s 47-year journey from scrap heap to Pebble Beach

Rick with his Devin C at the Quail                                                           Photo: Brian Miller

August 2017 found Rick Austin luxuriating on the manicured grounds of the Quail, the most exclusive of all Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance events, he and his Devin enjoyed the spotlight as honored invitees. This being the world’s pinnacle event to recognize classic car royalty, it is doubtful that his fellow celebrant’s cars began their Quail star turn in similar fashion, which would be at a DPW scrap yard in Nanuet, New York.

At the Nanuet, NY DPW

First spotted by Rick’s brother Bob in 1973, the rather forlorn red Devin resided on a construction trailer at the Nanuet DPW scrap yard. At the time, Bob told brother Rick about his sighting and thought it interesting. It should be noted that the Austin brothers share a marked lifelong affection for unusual vehicles. Morgans, Crosleys, Jeepsters, Avantis, MGTDs, Minis, all have graced Austin driveways. The Devin fit the mold perfectly. As Bob now tells the story, he meant that it held interest as something Bob, himself, would buy down the road. Rick, however, took right to the road and drove up to the DPW yard the next day to inquire as to the Devin’s availability.

“How much?” Rick asked. “$400,” came the response. “Sold,” came his reply. Adding insult to injury, Rick used Bob’s trailer to bring the Devin to Bob’s house where both would work on carrying out the rebuild. It should be noted that Rick’s jumping Bob’s claim produced no strain in the Austin brothers’ lifelong friendship.

The Devin back story offers an interesting version of a tale oft told of a young man returning to California from WWII with talent and a passion. In this case the young man was Bill Devin and he held a passion for sports cars and racing. Possibly a precursor foretelling the Austin brothers fondness for Bill Devin as a kindred spirit came with Devin’s early success racing a Crosley Hotshot.

After the Crosley victories, Devin quickly moved up the race car food chain. By 1953 Devin had found Ferraris to drive including the ex-Phil Hill 212 that he bought from Luigi Chinetti and drove to a 3rd place at Palm Springs. Shortly thereafter, his plan to drive a new Ferrari at the 1953 24-Hours of Le Mans was derailed by a production back-up at the Ferrari factory. Devin clearly was the real deal and not just as a race driver. He had a serious vision about how a winning car should look and perform.

Bill Devin                Photo: John Priddy

By 1956 Devin had created a chassis that housed a twin-cylinder overhead cam engine wrapped in Devin-Panhard bodywork. He built twelve of them. One won its class in the 1956 SCCA national championship. By now, Devin had become a player in the fiberglass body business. He sold bodies to fit Porsches, Healeys, Triumphs, VWs and more.

With success, came Devin’s greater dream of building cars of his own. Working with an Irish chassis builder specializing in fabricating rolling chassis ready for a body, Devin’s dream materialized. With a frame from Ireland married to a fiberglass body by Devin and powered by a Corvette small block V8, the spirited Devin SS came to life. Weighing almost a half-ton less than a period Corvette, its performance was breathtaking. Unfortunately so was its price. All the Devin SS high-tech handcrafted powertrain and suspension technology came at a steep cost, roughly $10,000. Sales proved elusive. A return to the drawing board gave birth to the ultimate Devin, one both fierce and relatively affordable.

It featured a new tubular frame design sporting a shorter wheelbase than the Devin SS to provide an optimized geometry for utilizing Porsche and VW suspension components. By accepting, as well, both Porsche and VW rear engine drivetrains, it provided both high performance and more affordable versions. Named the Devon D. The D, for Deutschland, indicated the intended German componentry. It cost about $3,000. What then defines Rick’s Devin C?

At  the Quail                  Photo: Brian Miller

Whether true or not, the story told speaks of the Porsche powered Devin Ds beating Porsche’s own cars. This apparently did not sit well with the Porsche folks. Word on the street had any Porsche dealer selling engines to Devin losing their franchise. Undaunted Bill Devin knew Chevrolet had just developed its own air-cooled rear-engined car, the Corvair. Not only was Chevrolet’s new boxer engine air-cooled but it featured six, not four cylinders. Devin adapted the chassis to accept a modified Corvair powertrain and rear suspension bringing the Devin C (for Corvair) to life with a price tag of roughly $4,500. That life would end shortly before the close of 1964 due to market pressures. With all said and done, Devin had built 25 complete Devin Ds and 23 Devin Cs.

When asked what had originally attracted him to the Devin, Rick says, “The curves were just beautiful, even in the scrap yard. It was a Ferrari for me.” Rick had no idea what it was. He says, “If it wasn’t for the badge I never would have known.” He just saw it as an amazingly cool car. Together with the fact that he had nothing to work on at the time made the buying decision a slam dunk.

Rick under frunk lid and friend Dennis Grable during rebuild #1

By purchasing the Devin, Rick ensured he had plenty to work on for what would be a long time to come. Starting with a blown engine, a damaged front end, holes in the body created for affixing scoops to increase air flow to the engine, no seats, no windshield and a wealth of scrapes and dings his scrap yard Devin demanded a complete rebuild of the engine and a total redo of the body.

During this early rebuild period brother Bob, while driving through the neighborhood, amazingly stumbled across another forsaken Devin. This being one of the 25 Devin Ds built. Trailered home, it would serve as a very useful parts car. Rick says, “That second Devin is where the seats came from as well as the hood, the trunk lid and both doors.” Bob with a self deprecating laugh acknowledges that he cannot believe that with the needed parts scavenged he threw the rest away.” With a shrug he says, “Who knew?”

An interesting bit of accidental provenance research came about when Rick realized that his serial number “D.C. 1-6” had no buyer notation in the Devin company records. In these days of 17 digit VIN#s, Rick’s Devin serial number is a pointed reminder of how things have changed, as if we needed a reminder, since the mid-20th century.

In later years Rick with the help of respected Devin authority John Priddy concluded that Rick’s car had been on display at the 1964 New York Auto Show and that it had been sold at the show. This explains a couple of facts. One it explains how Devin serial number D.C. 1-6 got to New York from L.A. Secondly, all of the other Devins except Ricks D.C. 1-6 had names next to the serial number indicating the purchaser. As Rick says, “Bill Devin was a great guy but not necessarily a great record keeper. He sold mine at the New York show and never recorded the buyer.”

Rick and rebuild #1 in 1975

Picking up the story in 1974, Rick enjoyed the fruits of his first rebuild and drove his red Devin until 1979 when he got married. His new family responsibilities banished the Devin to a distant corner of Rick’s life where it sat untouched until 2000 except for a brief period of operation in 1989.

With the arrival of the new millennium, Rick set about to do a second rebuild. With all good intentions but little time, the process would extend to about 15-years. In 2005 the Devin, now pretty much gutted, received the Chrysler Patriot Blue paint that still shows well today. Over the next ten years all the internals received the attention Rick would have liked to have lavished much quicker. With all the bills to show, Rick totally rebuilt a 1967 Corvair engine. Machined .040 over with a 288° cam and four Rochester 1-barrel carburetors, it delivered 140 horsepower.

When asked about the speed and stability of his completed Devin, Rick, admitting to achieving 110 miles per hour, responded with brutal honesty, “At 110 miles per hour stability is horrible.” Weighing in at breathtakingly light 1240 pounds Rick actually welded in a piece of Volvo truck chassis forward of the front suspension as a location to mount the battery and add weight.

Almost simultaneously with completion of the second rebuild, Rick received notification from co-chair of the Devin Registry, Brian Miller, that for Pebble Beach 2017, Devin would be the honored marque. He asked if Rick could attend with his Devin.

Rick says, “I immediately contacted Bob and he was all in. I was thrilled to be able to share this experience with my brother.” Rick started road testing his Devin the week before shipping it to Pebble Beach.

Bob and Rick Austin at Pebble Beach

In describing his Pebble Beach experience at the Quail Rick does not hold back. He says, “It was the most amazing event in my life. The number of phenomenal vehicles was simply astounding.” He goes on to say, The people were lovely. The food was fantastic.”

In assessing the crowd response, Rick first acknowledges that Devins adorned with numbers and stripes drew a decidedly younger group of admirers. As he describes it, his Devin with its dark blue, more reserved, presence drew the attention of an older demographic. However, Rick says, “Regardless of age everybody looked at all the Devins on display.”

Back home Rick enjoys his Devin as his daily driver pretty much weather be damned. While he acknowledges that, today, any kid with a built up Honda Civic can go faster, Rick says, “My little Devin stands tall as the most exhilarating car I have ever driven.”



By |2022-05-12T19:03:06+00:00May 12th, 2022|Comments Off on Cars We Love & Who We are #26

Cars We Love And Who We Are #25

My eye had first been caught by a two-tone 1962 pickup truck version of the T1 VW Bus. Resting in a bed of dead weeds, it resided in a distant field far below my rural mountain road vantage point. However, while the iconic VW held my primary interest, my inability to identify the pair of battered Porsche-like sports cars accompanying the VW on that overgrown field began to gnaw at me.

I had to go back for the story. Little did I know the extent of the story that awaited me.

Mr. Thomas’s forest of old Porsches, VW buses and more

Cameron Thomas and his 1962 VW pickup

My determination took me down to the base of the steep slope in search of answers and access to the, apparently, once loved but now forlorn trio. I snaked my way along a narrow descending dirt road that brought the field closer. Arriving at a rustic country home, I sought someone capable of answering the question ”what’s the story behind the orphans in the field?”

Met by a pleasant woman with a phone to her ear, I explained my interest in abandoned classic vehicles for a Drivin’ News story. She forthrightly explained that her husband owned the cars and he would have all the answers to any questions I might have.  She directed her attention to the phone and then back to me. He would be waiting in their large hay field down the road, she explained.

As I rumbled down the dusty gravel access road that traversed the hay field, a moldering but quite complete 1963 Buick Riviera and a distressed T2 VW van came into view. I sensed that there would be much more to the story than I had anticipated.

A walk in the woods

There waiting to greet me, stood master stone mason Cameron Thomas. A slender wiry man who, though in his late 70s, possessed a handshake like a leather skinned vice that left no doubt that he remained quite active in the day to day operation of his stone business. With a ready smile, a quick wit and an easy southern accent, Cameron said, “My wife tells me you have an interest in cars.” Then, with a friendly gesture he directed me toward a wide path into the nearby forest. Cameron said, “You might find this interesting.” Interesting indeed.

We turned our backs to the Riviera and VW van, both left for later discussion and moved into the woods on a single lane width trail. Early on, the view through the leafless trees of a forest in winter showed glimpses of shapes and colors that hinted at what awaited. Shortly thereafter, the path widened to reveal my first glimpse of multiple clearings where an eclectic array of vehicles possessing a heavy German accent lay strewn about the landscape.

Porsches of numerous flavors, VW Westfalias, Beetles, and Rabbits together with a sprinkling of British sports cars and a stray Jeep, all in various states of disrepair and degeneration populated the woodscape.

Staring at this assemblage, it appeared to be the land where air-cooled and German vehicles came to die.

Cameron explained that he began amassing his collection of over sixty automobiles about 50 years ago. Back then in his 20s he had formulated a retirement plan that called for accumulating desirable automobiles with the intention of building a workshop where, when he had the time, he would refurbish the cars and sell them.

Cameron admits to being partial to air-cooled German cars. He says, “ The air-cooled stuff was more of what I was looking for. My interest kind of transformed into a hobby.”

Many of the cars came to Cameron in good or at least running condition. So what happened? When asked the 64 thousand dollar question “why were they left outside,” Cameron says, “With the demands of my business, I never got around to building the workshop and we were too busy buying to do any selling. If a car experienced a problem, there always was a place for it in the woods.” With Cameron owning a large expanse of fields and woodlands there clearly existed an element of out of sight out of mind.

T-Boned Westfalia

Entering the opening in the woods a battered 1972 Type 2 VW Westfalia greets us. Cameron explains that he purchased it and together with his son Jon refurbished it for Jon’s high school transportation. Leaving school one winter day Jon fired up the Westfalia and without letting it warm up made a dash to leave the school parking lot in front of a school bus that was descending from a good way up a hill. Cameron says, “My son made his move and made it to the middle of the road when the cold engine stalled. After leaving a 70-foot skid mark the bus T-boned the VW on the driver’s side.” The energy of impact delivered a blow sufficient to deposit some of the chrome letters from the hood of the bus onto the VW’s front seat. As for his son, he walked away with a few bruises. Lucky kid.

Next to the Westfalia a 1984 928 Porsche, one of two Cameron has accumulated, had a history of outrunning the local Corvettes. Cameron says, “It had a good bit of work done on the engine.” Cameron drove it for a year or so around 2005. In thinking back he says, “I can’t really think of a good excuse for parking it in 2007.”

Behind the 928 can be found the T2 Westfalia that Cameron bought right after his son’s accident. He says it was a good driver, that it was pretty much complete, including the original interior, when he bought it in 1980. It has sat unmoved in the woods since Cameron bought it.

Moving to our right brought us to another Werstfalia. Camerson acquired it in 2000 and except for winters drove it fairly regularly. Then after sitting for the winter of early 2005, he sought to fire it up in the spring of 2005. The engine locked up. Banishment to the woods quickly followed. On the plus side it remains a Westfalia with a solid and an original interior. On the down side, some windows are broken or gone and it features first class spider webs.

Cameron and his row of 944s

At this point evidence of a clear pattern has taken shape. It appears any vehicle that suffers failure merits banishment to the Cameron Thomas forest trail.

The fate of Cameron’s five 944 Porsches gives strong substantiation to the one strike and your out in the woods theory.

Arrayed in a neat row of five 944s, the first and last in line rated as good drivers when purchased. Others came from junkyards or the garages of people who had given up on their restoration.

One of the 944s had jumped the camshaft and bent all of the valves. Cameron and friends removed the head and reassembled the engine. When they fired it up as Cameron says, “It started screeching like a banshee and that was that. We must have missed a bent part in our rebuild.”

1963 Buick Riviera

Upon returning to the hay field, I asked about the Buick Riviera. Purchased in the early 1970s, Cameron says, “It was in good unrestored condition and a fine driving vehicle. Up until he had bought it the Buick had never spent a night outside of the garage.

What happened? Apparently that Buick had a two-piece drive shaft with a center U-joint. The U-joint went bad. Cameron says, “At the time I had a great deal of difficulty finding a replacement. By the time I found one my interest in the Riviera had passed.” The Riviera has sat ever since.

As we approached the end of the abandoned car trail of tears a 1963 Willy’s Jeep came into view. Cameron had come found it in Florida years back and trailered it back to Virginia. It has spent considerable time in the woods. Cameron says, “It is solid with less than fifty thousand miles on it.”

Chalon re-body

And at last we come to the trio that initially captured my attention. The two sports cars left for dead in the field are two Chalon rebodied 1972 914 Porsches. The brainchild of a California parts distributor, the Chalon kit imparted a 914 with a more aggressive slant nose presence.

The engines in Cameron’s two Chalon 914s remain 4-cylinder but brakes and suspension components reflect significant upgrades. Both cars ran strong when purchased and Cameron drove both with pleasure until the large tree fell crushing both.

Interestingly the most functional and except for his 1941 International military truck the oldest in Cameron’s collection is his 1962 T1 VW pickup. Purchased in 1985 the pickup features a 1600 cc beetle engine, upgraded brakes and a later transmission. Unlike its brethren in Cameron’s collection, with current antique vehicle tags, this VW stands poised to hit the road.

In honest reflection Cameron realizes his retirement plan, like a garden untended, took on a life of its own. He admits that he didn’t appreciate how much the cars would deteriorate over time.

1963 Willys Jeep

Now what? At this point Cameron says, “My son has made it clear that he does not want to live on a junk yard. He would like to see everything gone except the orange VW Westfalia we purchased to replace the one T-boned by the school bus.” Cameron acknowledges that there will be some head butting between he and his son on the issue. Cameron also accepts reality, saying “I accept that they need to go. I’m not going to live long enough to work on them all now.” Of the sixty he accumulated he has sold twenty. He says all are available. Anyone with a serious interest can contact him by email ( When asked if he could only restore one of his cars which would he choose, interestingly he chooses the 1963 Willys Jeep. He says, “It is solid and simple which translates into an ideal candidate for refurbishing.”

Having seen a lot in his 78 years, Cameron in his easy southern way and with a reflective knowing smile says, “Time takes its toll. It comes along slow, but it is always coming.”

By |2022-03-23T01:57:58+00:00March 18th, 2022|10 Comments

Cars We Love & Who We Are #24

Surprises, life is full of them. Always good friends at the gym, Shane and I drifted out of touch years back when, first, her career advancement played havoc with her workout schedule and, then, the gym closed.

Years passed until recently, while at a local school where I teach a class on collectible automobiles, who walks by but my old friend Shane. Now an author, among other things, she is at the school on a book tour promoting a book she authored.

In catching up, I came to learn that, previously unbeknownst to me, there exists a rich vein of classic vehicle enthusiasm running through her family with her, her husband and teenage daughter all possessing a strong affinity for classic vehicles and the collectible vehicle culture.

Meet Shane and Rich Svorec and their next generation of classic car enthusiasts.

Hot rod love, family style


A highly successful competitive business owner, consultant and published author, blonde, green eyed Shane Svorec carries with her an appealingly confident air of someone both accomplished yet approachable. However, before you get too far into framing an impression let’s take you out to the famous Lake George Cruise Night.

Lake George’s Autumn Cruise event exhibits an ever more powerful draw for eastern automotive enthusiasts seeking to celebrate the classic car culture. A steadily growing Adirondack version of the Woodward Dream Cruise, the Lake George Cruise Night sees people line up five to ten deep as far as the eye can see. They have gathered to share in a dazzling parade displaying classic examples of custom and original vintage cars proudly representing the full spectrum of vehicles residing at the heart of automobile enthusiasm.

The crowd boils with a frenetic energy creating a frenzy of wide eyed anticipation feeding the adrenalin of drivers eager to unleash the throbbing heart of their ride and “smoke’em” to earn the roaring cheers of the crowd.

Shane with her ’55 F-100

Shane says, ”While it’s bumper to bumper, it’s kind of cruise etiquette to give a guy a little bit of space so that he can get on it and smoke the tires. The crowd goes crazy and chants ‘do it again, do it again.’” So as Shane sits at the wheel of her rumbling, not stock,1955 Ford F-100 pickup she gets caught up in the vibe of the crowd. Shane finds herself revin’ up the husky Mopar V8 that had taken up residence were the Ford inline 6 used to live. She says, “I start to really goose it. You know, gettin’ on it.” The crowd spots this pretty blonde at the wheel of a fat tired, snorting pickup truck. Shane says, “The feeling seemed to be that I was some gal at the wheel of my husband’s truck. That I was just gunning it but wasn’t going to smoke ‘em. I just smiled.” She let space open up in front of her eager F-100. She pinned the throttle and unleashed all that the Mopar 383 under the hood had to give.” She left about a thousand miles of rear tire tread across a long stretch of the boulevard. She smiles again as she says, “The crowd went wild.”

Shane says, “I love to prove people wrong. I love to break barriers. I love to deliver the goods in the face of low expectations. Hey you know, a woman? A woman who loves an old pickup truck. Yes and why not. I love classic cars and trucks.”

It was Shane who actually got the classic car ball rolling in her family. That said she had the benefit of a very strong wind at her back. That supporting force existed in the person of Paul Svorec, her father-in-law who passed on a love of classic cars to his son, Shane’s husband, Rich.

Shane’s husband, Rich, talks about his dad with a reverence for the engineer father’s technical acumen, native intelligence and his penchant for plunging fearlessly into any car problem in any car and come out the victor. Rich says, “So many car problems loom like those teenage horror film scenes where everyone fears descending into the dark unknown of the basement. Not my dad.”

Rich in speaking of his father says, “Growing up, none of my friends had fathers like mine who were serious hot rodders, who got their kids into it. And hot rodding is something that, once you get into it, that’s it. It’s like a wonderful sickness. Once you get it you can’t get away from it. And don’t want to.”

Teenage daughter Lainey clearly has inherited the gene from her grandfather. She says, “Well, my grandpa, he’s always been a car guy, always fixing up cars and he taught my dad everything. He knows my dad kind of passed that all along to me and I’ve always been interested in old cars.”

Rich and his ’31 Ford panel truck

Clearly the Svorec family tree was rooted in fertile ground to allow Shane’s suggestion to bear fruit.

Rich says, “I mean how good is this. I married a woman who loves old cars. I’ll never forget the day. Shane comes home, probably eight years ago and says, “you know, I was driving through town and I saw an old pickup. It reminded me of growing up in Nebraska. I would really like a classic pickup truck.”

Shane says, “You know, for the people out there in Nebraska, that pickup truck, that’s a part of your life, Right? Still to this day, you’ll find classic cars and old pickup trucks on people’s properties and in barns, you know, what are they called, Barn Finds? Those pickup trucks, though, I grew up with them. That was just a way of life. So it’s always been a piece of nostalgia for me. I grew up with family members having pickup trucks. Not only was it practical, but it was fun. And to me, unlike,  maybe some women, I found it to be very empowering to drive a pickup truck. I found a strength in a pickup truck. You know, an American made Ford, you know, this was America. That’s why I love my truck.”

Rich, whose first car at 17 was a nasty 1970 AMX with a worked 401, says, “You know what I was thinking. I find her the right classic pickup and to maintain family balance I will need to find something for me.” Game on.

Shortly after Rich found Shane’s pickup, Paul offered his son a deal he could not refuse. The senior Svorec told Rich, “I’m looking for my 66 Plymouth Satellite Hemi or a 67 Corvette. If you can find me one, then you can have my 1931 Ford panel truck hot rod.” Paul had owned the rare truck since the 1960s. It was totally original. Paul personally carried out the stunning green on green rebuild.

The limbs of the Svorec classic car family tree had begun showing fruit.

Pulling up alongside Shane’s 1955 Ford F-100 came Rich’s 1931 Ford panel truck with a powertrain out of a 1966 Buick Electra. It included a worked 425 cu. in. nailhead V8 with dual quads putting out over 400 horsepower. But wait there is more.

Shane speaks lovingly about her oldest child Lainey. Shane says, “Yeah. I always felt like she would be the one that would connect with classic cars. She has an old soul which is beautiful to behold when watching a young woman blossom. Especially one you love dearly. Lainey came into this world with big, big eyes. Just curious about everything, and you could tell she was from another time. So it didn’t surprise me. One bit. You know, she loves Elvis, she loves classic music. That’s just her vibe.”

Lainey with her ’68 T-Bird

Lainey, though at the time still too young to drive, had her heart set on getting a classic car. And she would buy it with her own money she had earned, thank you very much. When asked why a classic car Lainey says, “Well, I was never really a fan of the way these newer cars look. There was always so much technology. And I mean, my dad’s new pickup truck, he has this big IPad in the middle of the console. I just I didn’t like it. The old cars were just always nice looking to me.

What did Lainey’s search look like? Certainly reality reared its ugly head when she showed her father a picture of the car she had settled on, a 1959 Cadillac. He gently inquired if she had six figures in her piggy bank. While Lainey seemed drawn to mid-fifties vehicles with fins, tri-five Chevies especially, she found her true love in the form of a 1968 Ford four-door Thunderbird Landau Sedan.

Lainey says, “my dad found it and showed it to me. it looked pretty badass. Black interior and exterior, leather seats, four-door, suicide doors, 429 cubic inch V8. I really love that car. It’s really fun. I can’t wait to take my friends driving in it someday.”

425 cu. in. Buick V8

As to the Svorec’s two younger children son Jack, age 14, and daughter Destiny, age 15, signs exist that they too carry the gene.

In summing up the Svorec family affair with classic cars each member has a perspective.

Rich says, “In reflecting on my relationship with my father and his old school craftsman friends, I can only wish that I could become as skilled as they are. The would love to spend more time with them. To learn what they do and how they do it and then try to pass it along to my children and have them keep going and pass it on. With classic cars as a common interest it is my hope that our values and these vehicles are around forever.”

Shane says, “I could not be more grateful, more blessed by the family I have. That I met a husband who came from such a rich family history with a father who loves classic cars. And that we’ve instilled in our children, respect and appreciation for real traditional values and craftsmanship.”

Lainey says, ”I think life’s too short to drive boring cars.” Old soul indeed.


Drivin’ News will be taking a holiday break. We will be returning in the new year.

My best wishes for a 2022 noteworthy for peace and joy

Merry Christmas to all

By |2022-01-06T18:58:52+00:00December 10th, 2021|1 Comment

Cars We Love & Who We Are #23

When encountering an old friend and the conversation wheels around to a person we once knew, it feels so good to find that, decades later, he continues to produce magic.

This has been the smile generating case during a conversation with my long time friend, David Tookmanian. As a long tenured Parts Manager pre-Y2K for the performance oriented Brahms Chevrolet in Palisades Park, New Jersey, David stood tall as the “Go-To” parts guru for hot rodders and street racers across North Jersey and beyond.

In speaking with David the name of a great hot rod designer from back in our youth came up. Whatever happened to Randy Bianchi I asked? David with a proud smile replied that Randy just finished a 21-year long hot rod build that had just been invited to show at the 2021 Greenwich Concours. Indeed, Randy had continued to produce magic.

Meet retired Parts Manager extraordinaire David Tookmanian and Hot Rod legend Randy Bianchi.

Randy the Rodfather and his Green “T” hot rod


With names like Sunkist, Moonkist and Tuff 32 among many of his hot rod creations, Randy Bianchi has maintained a status as a visionary designer and fabricator of landmark hot roads for decades. During that period he also outfitted, spec’d and at times restored offshore racing boats from Donzi, Magnum and Fountain.

Randy Bianchi and David Tookmanian

In pursuing his hot rod passion, Randy had a voracious appetite for performance parts and engineering solutions to satisfy his Chevy powered creations. In fulfilling that need, Randy developed a strong relationship with David Tookmanian that has lasted 50 years. Though David left the parts business at the turn of the century, their friendship and mutual admiration have endured.

Randy laughs as he says, “Dave enjoyed a great reputation among the go fast guys as “The Man” when it came to dispensing Chevy performance parts answers. Ya know, you’d inflict grievous harm to your big block Rat motor on Sunday and be at the Brahms parts counter on Monday.”

Invited by the selection committee to show at Greenwich and to appear in the glossy program, Randy’s visually compelling Green “T” hot rod started life as a solid but weary 1927 Ford Model “T” sedan. The inspired vision that would earn entrée TO the Greenwich field took shape in 1999 with a sketch that, 21-years later, came to life as a Lamborghini green radical reality that remained quite faithful to Randy’s original concept.

Randy says, “I have kept it as close to the original sketch as possible.” Wild side pipes were drawn on the car initially. To keep them that way Randy says, “It required me to incorporate releasing panels in the doors to accommodate the pipes while allowing the doors to open so you could get in the car.”

“Yes,” Randy admits, “it is slightly impractical, but that was the plan and one of my building principles is to stay with your initial idea regardless of the challenges, curve balls and problems that could arise to get there.”

David in reflecting on Randy’s Green T says, “Randy took a classic old school look and applied his DaVinci genius to elevate it to a ten on the outrageous scale.”

David noted that Randy will focus on certain parts that are personal expressions that go to his core and integrate them into the build. An example on Green T are the 1956 Oldsmobile Starfire taillights. Randy believes the year of the taillights should match the year of the engine. A 1956 Oldsmobile V8 powers Green T.The inspiration for Green T originated with his, then, young son Randy, suggested doing a hot rod together. Working on a tight budget, as it always seems to be for hot rod builds, Randy decided to go non-traditional. Instead of a 1932 Ford coupe or convertible, Randy selected a 1927 Model T sedan as the canvas for his masterpiece. By selling off all the parts he would not need, Randy was able to recoup the $1500 cost of the car. Always thinking that Randy.

Randy confesses to Green T enjoying a cartoonish flair. He acknowledges that he often strives for the outrageous. He says, “A lot of my builds are very overstated high-impact vehicles. I like to design outside the traditional design box so that the end result stands out.” He laughs self-deprecatingly saying, “My stuff is mostly impractical and outrageous. That’s what makes them what they are.”

Randy believes in remaining faithful to the old school roots of hot rod building. In no place in Green T’s build does this evidence itself more than in the powertrain.

That 324 cu. in. 1956 Olds engine that deserved matching taillights has been seriously worked to put out a conservatively estimated 400 horsepower. It benefits from a custom ground Engle cam, 11 ½ to 1 compression and a very rare Weiand high rise intake manifold that took Randy years to find. Carburetion comes courtesy of six Ford 94 carburetors.

A 1937 LaSalle Transmission and a Halibrand 301 quick change rear end qualify as “Unobtainium” (Hard to find:) but Randy located them to nicely round out a true old school execution.

Original 1927 T body

Green T sits on a 1932 Ford chassis narrowed in the front, widened in the middle, narrowed in the back and Z’d to lower the back 13 inches.

When asked about how many hours went into the build Randy says, “There’s no clock when you’re building a car of this caliber.” There are never-ending but necessary lost hours demanded for me to design in the beauty or function of a part. Randy says, “First you find a way to make a part better. You spend a month to bring it to life. Then you get a better idea, throw this one in the garbage, and start over. It happened all the time.”

No matter how much time we have to do something, life always seems to bring us up short when the deadline arrives. So for  all of the 21-years spent creating Green T, it had not yet been driven when show time arrived. Randy says, “It was a grind at the end. It still isn’t exactly finished but I had made sure it was mechanically perfect.  No time for trial and error. My son fired it up. I timed it and he drove it around the block several times.” Randy asked his son how their 21-year project performed. His son responded, “It’s perfect dad.” Randy says, “That made everything worthwhile and perfect for me.” Next stop, The Greenwich Concours.

Green T early in the build

Genius does not come without what might politely be called personal “character.” Viewers of an episode of Jesse James’ Monster garage witness Randy expressing himself when he felt his work was not being respected.

James had five all-star East Coast hot rod builders join him for a build based on a 1929 Ford Model A sedan.

Randy says that a steady elevation of tension between he and Jesse developed over how the project should be carried out. With the tension becoming palpable, Randy found a way to resolve the issue. He says, “I felt he displayed no respect for other craftsmen and the talent they brought to the project. I had enough. So I faked a heart attack to get off the show.”

Whether it is his hot rods or his television persona, if it involves Randy, clearly, the results are heart stopping.

By |2021-11-11T13:09:33+00:00November 11th, 2021|Comments Off on Cars We Love & Who We Are #23

Cars We Love & Who We Are #22

What is it about a life that defines a person? I have come to believe that the world around us mimics how we define ourselves. While at a large regional classic car and hot rod event, I encountered a man showing a stunning 1912 C-Cab Ford truck hot rod. Knowledgeable, affable and friendly to all, he offered me a look at a gallery of photographs displaying vehicles he had designed and built as well as others he had modified after purchasing them for his collection. He possessed a visionary flair for bringing all types of mobile machinery to life. Clearly from his interactions and conversations with others that I observed, the world viewed him for the respected and gifted hot road visionary and fabricator that he is. Oh yeah and he was in a wheelchair. No big deal, certainly not for him. Meet Rory Sevajian.

A hot rod life defined by abundance not lack


Rory Sevajian with 1912 Ford C-Cab

When Rory Sevajian flashes his ready and welcoming smile, you find yourself drawn in and comfortable in his engaging company. The fact that regardless of the event, he has brought some stunningly unique thundering eye candy that he designed makes him and his creations a magnet for interested observers and show trophies.

His passion for building unique performance and special interest vehicles came to life in Rory’s early teen years.

Rory says, “As a little kid, I was always interested in all these things. I hung around with all the older kids that had cool cars and learned from them.” Also, Rory’s father used to take him to the New York Auto Show at the New York Coliseum in the early 196os.  Rory recalls saying, “I was really young. The cars there were nothing like you’d ever seen before. Even to this day, today when you go to auto shows, there’s no comparison to what was done in the 50s and 60s.”

As a young guy without a lot of money, Rory developed a  philosophy that continues to guide his efforts today. Quote: “Start out with junk and make it into something special.” Almost as a design principle, even Rory’s most striking creations humbly start out as “junk. Then, benefitting from the magic of his transformative vision he brings to life something very special.

So for almost 30 years Rory had transformed “junk” into spectacular vehicles and motorcycles. Then “it“ happened, the accident.

Billet cut rims for Rory’s wheelchair

Rory had, and still has, a tree service business. While on the job, one of his workers, the “saw man,” positioned himself to cut a limb leaning against a second tree. The saw man believed that the second tree was strong enough to hold the limb. It was not. The base of the second and very large tree gave way. Rory says, “The large tree got me from behind. It crushed me on top of a rock garden and exploded my body.” At the hospital doctors told him he was lucky to be alive, but that he would never walk again. As others have related the story, Rory responded saying, “That’s fine with me”. He would not dwell on his loss. It would not stop Rory from building spectacular vehicles and having cool toys.

To continue in the pursuit of his lifetime pleasure of building eye popping vehicles, Rory did have to adapt.

Rory says, “The only thing where I really have a problem is with the body work and paint.” In the old days he would do all of that himself, however with the limitations of the chair, he now sends it out to be done. He concedes that his only other limitation is faced when trying to get things down from the high shelves. As before his accident, anything he does not know how to do, he has friends who do.

When it comes to fabrication and building, Rory designs, creates and assembles most of the pieces that give his creations their unique character. Rory says, “The visual magic resides in the details and the execution.” He will spend months refining an idea to enhance a creation and then seamlessly integrate it into the design. Emblematic of Rory’s creativity and attention to detail evidences itself in his 1912 Ford C-Cab hot rod.

“I always wanted a C-Cab. I love the way they look, “Says Rory. Over the years Rory always had his eye out for a steel body not a fiber glass repro. Then about six-years ago, one surfaced in upstate New York. He could not resist the siren’s song of an available steel body C-Cab. He drove upstate. Taking one look, love filled his heart and a vision stirred his soul. Rory says, It was rough and the suspension was falling out of it.” Undaunted he negotiated a deal and trailered the truck home. Rory smiles as he repeats his mantra, “Remember, start with junk end up with something very special.” He certainly did.

Job one had Rory totally dismantle the vintage truck. With the truck apart, his vision took hold. With a chassis rebuild that included a totally new suspension completed, his attention turned to the power train.

The big block 460 cu. in. V8 that came with the truck had side pipes. “Rory says, “I chopped them off because I couldn’t get in and out of the truck with my wheelchair.” Historically Rory always liked the gasser look with headers sporting a big bell on the end. Why not on the C-Cab he thought. He had the stripped down pipes, the flanges and the bell. Rory says, “It took me five hours to heat up and bend the contour and complete welding the pipes to the Bell, but it came out perfect. I sent it out for chroming. Once back I put some motorcycle baffles in it. And that was it.”

For carburetion the name of Drivin’ News fave “Carburetor Steve” plays a significant role. Rory took off the old four-barrel and installed a rare one-of-a-kind tunnel ram designed by a NASA engineer with a manifold that accepted three Holly 550 two-barrel carburetors. Carburetor Steve played a significant role in fine tuning the system.

Throughout the completed execution, Rory’s signature jeweler’s eye for detail and visual impact is in evidence from the unique wheels to the paint and pin striping.

Looking at his creation Rory says, “I love that truck. I love the truck. It’s more of a driver than something for really racing. However, see it coming down the road, it’s spectacular. It snaps necks.” He continues, “It has that, you know. Sex appeal.” He just smiles. But for generating bystander smiles nothing outdoes Rory’s “Train.”

The Train story begins with Rory’s custom motorcycle that he transformed from a two–wheel bike to a three-wheel “trike” after his accident. The story concludes years later with a custom articulated train of four trailered vehicles and a custom tow car that Rory drives to hot rod shows.

After his accident, Rory, a died-in-the-wool motorcyclist, looked at his custom personally designed two-wheel creation and knew he must transform it into an even more outrageous three-wheel “trike.”

Rory admits his final creation is more about looks than ridability, but oh how it looks!

Rory does acknowledge that a lot of money has been spent in places no one can see. Rory says, “All the real money hides inside the engine on this trike – S&S flywheel and rods, S&S oversized barrels, a really nasty Leineweber cam, Manley tulip valves and Manley triple valve springs.” Then he decided that he wanted more juice. So he went with 80-inch heads and drilled them for four spark plugs and put a Dyna III Electronic Ignition in it. Rory says, “I’m running dual coils to deal with the four plugs. The trike also has an open belt drive and high performance clutches.

When it came time to make it a trike, Rory simply pulled out a Sawzall and cut the back off. Rory’s first attempt grafted on a servi-car rear end. Police trikes and ice cream trikes used them. However, they did not suit Rory’s three-wheeled beast. Rory says, “When I let the clutch out it was idling at 50 mph. It was not a good thing.” Rory found a good solution in mixing and matching rear axle parts and tire sizes. Now, he can cruise down the highway at 60 mph without the motor screaming. Above and beyond traditional upgrades Rory has innovated some very special adaptations so that he would be able to ride the trike since he was paralyzed from the ribs down.

Rory says, “When I got hurt, I had to figure a way to ride since I couldn’t put my foot down.” Rory‘s solution provided for a handbrake on the handlebars and his own custom made shifter and clutch on the shifter. To do this he needed to incorporate a big bore master cylinder to compensate because the hand does not have the power of the foot necessary to squeeze the dual piston brake caliper on the rear wheel. Other than that the only other adaptation required was floorboards because he has to strap his feet down. Rory says, “When you’re paralyzed like me, you have to strap your feet because if your foot falls off, you don’t know it. You then can run over it like I did with my trike. I shattered my ankle. I learned the need for that adaptation the hard way.”

Which brings the story back around to the Train. Some years back Rory brought his trike to the Waldwick New Jersey Car Show. He says, “It all started when I took the trike to the show. I didn’t even enter and they handed me a trophy. I thought that’s pretty cool.” Rory really liked the people at the show. Since he was building a hot rod that would be done next year he thought  maybe he would do something special for next year’s Waldwick Show. The following year he brought his custom 1931 Ford sedan towing the trike. After winning at that show he realized that he wanted to bring something new each year. Thus, the idea of the Train came to life. Now, for seven years he has brought something different every single year. He just keeps adding on. All vehicles share an eye grabbing red metal flake, black and chrome theme enhanced with tasteful pin striping and bold graphics.

1931 Ford sedan hot rod tow car   

Rory says, “Some years back a friend of mine says, you need a four-door car so you can put your wheelchair behind the seat.” The search began.  Soon another friend found a suitable sedan in California. It was in rough condition. Perfect! Start with junk. Rory says, “ It was a little bit twisted, a little banged up, could use a floor. Sold! It turned out to be an unusual 1931½ Murray bodied Ford sedan made in Canada. Rory especially liked some of the more refined details on the Murray body. He says, “I just loved it. I thought I gotta have this.”

An enormous amount of time and hand crafting proved well worth the effort with the end result being a unique red metal flake hand crafted sedan with sunroof, custom stitched interior and a Chevy small block with a radical cam, Sanderson headers and three deuces set up by “Carburetor Steve.”

For the rear, Rory hand shaped a custom tow hitch for the trike’s front wheel.


All elements of the TRAIN started as discards in a state of disrepair better known as “junk”. Each vehicle’s exquisitely finished form shares a red metal flake, black and chrome color scheme with pin stripe accents, bold graphics and a name.

1931 ½ Ford sedan hot rod tow car –  (DRAGIN’)

Custom trike – Assembled from pieces collected over the 45 years (MOVING VIOLATION)

1964 Chaparral go-kart – Resurrected from North Carolina junk yard (OUTCAST)

1981 Mini Bike – Rusty castoff (JUVENILE DELINQUENT)

1965 Speed boat – Battered hull found in Mays Landing, NJ (MISS BEHAVIN)

The greatest surprise for most people comes when hearing Rory explain how easy the Train is to maneuver. Rory says, “It is the most comfortable thing to drive. I could turn around in a 20-foot area.” Unlike a tractor trailer, all trailers in the train are short trailers. Each individual axle simply follows. Rory says, “You can make unbelievable, tight turns, as tight as you could turn the car.

Rory setting up the Train

Even more unbelievable? Rory can set up the whole train by himself. His sedan with a back seat for his wheelchair makes him totally self-sufficient. He can hook up all these trailers himself and with no problem because they’re all lightweight trailers. He can pick up the trailer tongue by himself and use his wheelchair like a yard tug to maneuver each trailer. Rory says, “I put it on the footrest between my legs, right? And I can actually maneuver around and roll them around. They go where I want them to go.”

In reflecting on his life as a hot rod designer and fabricator Rory says, “You got to love what you do. You got to be able to sit there and make your own parts and be resourceful. You have to seek solutions that look cool that you can transfer to enhance the vehicle that you are making.”

When it is pointed out that some people, maybe most people, would not have such a great attitude as he, Rory says, “I hear that all the time. You know, I was always a crazy kid, always doing something wild and having fun and enjoying myself. You know, okay. I got hurt. I’m still alive. I’m still breathing. I’m just going to keep having fun till I die.


The “Train” with Rory’s friend Vinny Polina watching out

At the large regional Hot Rod Show that Rory can be seen driving to in the above photo he returned with trophies for:





By |2021-09-16T12:13:34+00:00September 16th, 2021|11 Comments

Cars We Love & Who We Are #21

Crossing from New Jersey and meandering north on old Route 17 surrounds one with a picture of a region that for decades lived frozen in a faded past but recently began experiencing a quantum leap into the now. Still very much a work in progress, the scene along Route 17 features stretches of old buildings tightly snugged up against a patchwork paved narrow four-lane. Safely navigating the bumps, twists and turns demands a firm hand on the wheel and a steady eye on fellow drivers often found wandering about the narrow lanes.

Clearly, this trek offers a decidedly unglamorous journey on the way to enjoying an extraordinary classic car experience. Today the grounds of an architectural pearl of the Gilded Age will feature a delightfully understated concours.

Approaching the handsomely crafted stone guard station, I am waved though. I have entered an enclave of aesthetically integrated architectural and natural beauty born in the 1880s. I have entered a world worthy of a modern day Gatsby. Navigating the winding country roads leads me to the manicured grounds of the Tuxedo Club in Tuxedo Park, NY.

Bring what you love

Tuxedo Club “Field of Driving Dreams” registration


Gordon Borteck with his Pantera

Raising its German voice with the elevated revs courtesy of a downshift, my BMW descends the hill. As my trusty sports sedan hugs the curve of the narrow West Lake Road, the Tuxedo Club comes into view. Surrounded by a finely groomed lawn, overlooking Tuxedo Lake and set against a forested hillside, the grounds offer a spectacular backdrop on which to display priceless automobiles.

Pulling off to the side of the circular driveway at the club entrance, I am greeted by Gordon Borteck, the driving force behind the Tuxedo Concours officially titled “The Tuxedo Club Field of Driving Dreams.”

Borteck a Tuxedo Club member and guiding force behind the Tuxedo Park event conceived of the idea about eight years ago as a great Father’s Day celebration. Its instant popularity proved Borteck possessed 20/20 foresight. As with such good ideas, they exhibit a dynamic character that seeks to expand to ever greater proportions. Borteck has felt the pressure to expand which he has resisted.

Here comes a Ferrari La Ferrari. There goes a Lamborghini Countach. Step aside for the Chaparral race car. Make room for the Bentley Continental Coupe. Make way for the BoCar. As an amazing array of predominantly iconic German, Italian, English and American rolling artwork begin to populate the lush green hillside, I had the chance to ask Borteck about his unique event.

“I have sought to emphasize a theme of ‘bring what you love,” says Borteck, he continues, “I am not looking for the fanciest, the fastest or the oldest.” To realize his objective, Borteck has striven to achieve a feeling similar to that of an invitation only art exhibit. Borteck says, “My goal is to keep the show relatively small.” Eighty some cars comprised those invited to complete the field this year. He wants the owners to share the cars they love with the other car owners and guests. Much like one artist discussing his work with others. He says, “I strive for the event to be both a learning experience for viewers and a teaching experience for the dedicated owners. Here, people can share with each other without crowds or craziness.”

Despite a promise of showers, the sun has come out to stay. Borteck admits he would have sold his soul to the devil for this weather. After cancelling because of Covid last year, missing a second year in a row loomed as a crushing disappointment.

The colors of the assembled “Field of Driving Dreams” entrants pops off against the verdant lawn. Colorful as well could describe many of the car Owners.


Bruce Amster – 1961 Chaparral

1961 Chaparral

Bruce Amster a classic car aficionado is no stranger to the Tuxedo event. He consistently delights with the unique entrees he brings. This year he did not disappoint by bringing a 1961 Chaparral race car. Amster says, “This Jim Hall developed Chaparral is a real race car. Race cars that look perfect and have always been perfect are not real race cars. A real race car has got to have gone through hell driven by a driver who has gone through hell.” This Chaparral truly qualifies by that standard. Built in 1961 by Troutman and Barnes, it was first driven by 2-time Indy 500 winner Roger Ward. Powered by a stroked Chevy small block with 4-wheel disc brakes and fully independent rear suspension the Chaparral presented an able competitor for facing the potent Maseratis and Listers of the day. Amster says, “The car has a great history. It was crashed by Roger Ward. Totally rebuilt it would be campaigned by a new owner and would set a lap record at Laguna Seca in 1962.” The car is still raced heavily overseas at Goodwood and Silverstone. It will be returning to England to campaign next season.


Jay Hirsch – 1960 Cadillac Eldorado Biarittz convertible

1960 Cadillac Eldorado Biarritz Convertible

Like recalling Howard Cosell at a boxing match, sighting world renowned automotive photographer and journalist Jay Hirsch at a car event goes without saying. A fixture at any meaningful classic car experience, the genial and engaging Hirsch not only photographs classic cars for calendars and books but collects them as well. At Tuxedo this year Jay brought his original Carrera Green 1960 Cadillac Eldorado Biarritz Convertible. Truly “The standard of the world” when it meant something, this stunning period piece rolling sculpture featured a 390 cu. in. V8 with three deuces and a 4-speed Hydra-Matic transmission.

For Jay his Cadillac’s story goes back to the day a family friend bought the car new. Jay says, “It was 1960 and my father bought a Fleetwood. At the same time a family friend bought this car. Years later he sold it to a friend who ran the Cyclone in Coney Island.” Back in the 1980s that friend asked Jay if he would he be interested in the Cadillac should the friend ever decide to sell it? Absolutely, came Jay’s reply. Fifteen years later Jay got the call and Jay bought the car.

Jay says, all through the years it was never driven in winter, only in the summertime on weekends. It has never been restored. Not afraid to drive it, Jay recently drove it 630 miles to Plymouth Michigan to show the car at the Concours d’ Elegance of America at St. Johns where it won “Most Original Car.”

Jay put over 1500 miles on the Cadillac for his trip. Jay says, “I cruised all day across a good stretch of America in this glorious piece of automotive history at 80 miles per hour averaging 17 miles per gallon for a 5,000 pound car. I’m happy.”


Dr. Charles Lennon – 1969 Porsche 911 Outlaw

1969 Porsche 911 Outlaw

Dr. Charles Lennon’s place in the Pantheon of vintage Porsche crazies was concretized when he chose to rebuild his house to provide for five working bays in the basement to accommodate 356 and 911 Porsche restoration. For Tuxedo, Dr. Lennon brought a 1969 911 Outlaw on which he has been working for the past four years. Just looking at the quality of work and attention to detail tells you all you need to know about how he approaches his vocation as a prosthodontist (specialist in dental restoration).

1969 Porsche Outlaw custom badge

In explaining the Porsche Outlaw concept Dr. Lennon says, “It started with John Von Neumann and his 356 Porsches back in the 1950s. Von Neumann would show up at the track with modifications such as better brakes and bigger motors. Stuff beyond factory spec. These upgraded non-factory spec’d cars became known as Outlaws.”

Dr. Lennon goes on to say that he likes to build Porsches that scare him. He loved the idea of building an Outlaw and he had the perfect subject, a 1969 911. He set his heart on building a better Porsche. He says, “Bigger brakes, bigger motor, better suspension. It would be a Porsche Plus.”

He also wanted his outlaw to honor the basic shape of his subject 911. Dr. Lennon says, No front air dams, no flares, no tails, nothing just the original shape.” Just about everything else would wear this surgeons touch. He says the brakes are 917 units that took him two years to get. The original motor swept two liters. His outlaw gets its push from a naturally aspirated twin plug 3.4 liter engine with mechanical fuel injection. Dr. Lennon says it puts out roughly 315 horsepower with a vehicle weight of 2,160 pounds. He acknowledges that remaining faithful to the body originality limits the size tire which certainly elevates the scare factor.

The detail that Dr. Lennon has put into the smallest features including the badging clearly shows it has been a labor of love. He says, for me in my lifetime this has been the best creative experience I’ve ever had.”


Rich and Chris Varjan – 1972 Dodge Challenger

1972 Dodge Challenger

Rich Varjan’s R-M three-stage orange over silver 1972 Dodge Challenger began as a project car that he found in Toronto Canada for his 14-year old son, Chris. Today, standing by the car that has experienced numerous rebuilds as the Varjans have pushed it up the performance ladder one sees Chris who is now 34 years old.

Both gregarious and genial, father and son banter back and forth as they describe the adventure in engineering that their Challenger represents. Basically its present iteration represents an eight-year trial and error journey that has culminated in a 900 horsepower well mannered beast. Well mannered that is unless, as the senior Varjan says, “You put your foot to the floor? The you buy new tires.” “But it tracks straight as an arrow,” adds son Chris Varjan, remarkably straight for what it is.”

Rich Varjan explains that at the heart of his beast of the street resides a worked 422 cu. in. low compression race block with a Procharger supercharger and electric fuel injection.

Rich Varjan speaking about the suspension says, “Front suspension is Riley with four link coilovers on all four corners and tubular control arms. It’s all Riley Motorsports.”

When asked if the project was worth the eight years, both father and son just smile.


Hank Bernstein – Zipper lakes tribute hot rod

Zipper Lakes tribute Hot Rod

“It’s a lakes modified roadster,” says owner Hank Bernstein. He has built it to pay tribute to the early post WWII southern California dry lakes racers. Before drag strips, even before Bonneville, people would bring their Model Ts and Model As out to El Mirage, take off the fenders and race all weekend. Bernstein says, “They built these cars with skills they mostly learned in the military during WWII, primarily aircraft.”

Bernstein’s tribute roadster which he built himself features some unique attributes. The strikingly handsome body and frame feature a design by Darrell Zip who used to work for Revell, the model company. Power comes from the Alfa Romeo V6 introduced in the early 1980s with the GTV6. Bernstein’s familiarity with Alfa Romeo power plants comes from his years with the Alfa Romeo engineering group.

Carburetion comes from Holley 94 carburetors found on Ford flatheads. Rather than using Strombergs that had a reputation for leaking, Bernstein travelled through four states to find five Holley 94s from which he could make three good ones. When he built the car reproductions of Holley 94s were not available. Bernstein even designed the engine turned dash. For the machining he located a retired and skilled machinist.

When asked about his creation’s top end, Bernstein says it is faster than he will ever drive it. He says, “To put it in perspective, in the 3,200 lb. Alfa GTV6 the top speed peaked around 130 mph. My roadster weighs 1,880 lbs.” The fastest Bernstein has gone in his roadster is 95 mph. Bernstein says, “ I am an old drag racer. I don’t have anything to prove.”

When asked for any final thoughts Bernstein smiled and said, “Life’s too short. Build a hot road.”

“Field of Driving Dreams” registration

While the objects of their affection differed, the prevailing sentiment at Tuxedo that day spoke with one voice and it said “Find what you love and drive it.”

By |2021-08-19T11:58:21+00:00August 19th, 2021|4 Comments